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(Fuyumi is currently 15 while Natsuo is 11. Shoto is 8. Also I searched it up and some ppl think that Fuyumi's quirk is ice so that's what it is I guess)

Hawks' POV

I knocked on Fumihiro's door and waited a second, nervous. He called me and said that he wants to talk to me in person. I fidgeted with my thumbs as I waited for him to answer. Then the door opened and I held my breath. But instead of Fumihiro, I saw his roommate, Haru. He stared at me for a second before walking past me. "I was just about to leave. Have fun."

I looked at him as he walked down the hall. Then I looked into the room. I saw Fumihiro sitting on his bed which was the farthest from the door. I walked in awkwardly and then closed the door. I stared at him. "So... What did you need me for?"

He stood up and walked over to me. He looked nervous. He stood right in front of me. "I... wanted to tell you something. I... always wanted to talk to you ever since we were 10 years old. And then I noticed you starting to pay attention to your roommate. So I thought you might end up liking him. So I tried to get over you."

I was confused. I looked down at his fidgeting hands. I looked at his colored fingertips and I could feel the air getting warmer. Like he was nervous. Similar to how my wings sometimes start to twitch when I'm excited or embarrassed. I looked back up at his face. "But... when I realized that you guys weren't even talking... I thought I might have a chance! So I decided to become friends with you to get you to notice me. But... I can't wait any longer!"

He looked me in the eyes with a serious face. "Hawks. I want to be with you!"

My eyes widened. "W-What?"

He started to looked nervous. I could hear his quirk begin to act up, making the air cold and then hot. I could see him tense and he was holding his breath. But I took in a deep breath and leaned in towards him, connecting my lips with his. He was surprised to say the least. But then he leaned into the kiss and the air temperature relaxed and stayed warm.

I smiled a little bit into the kiss and brought my hand up, holding his face. He brought his hands to my hips and pulled me closer to him. I... did it! I kissed THE Fumihiro Hino. The one I have wanted for god knows how long. The one I... love.

Touya's POV

I walked inside of my house with Akane behind me. I closed the door and took my shoes off. I looked at Akane... but I felt like I was missing something. I suddenly felt pain in my heart. I stared at Akane as I remembered Hawks... standing in that same place.

I looked back in front of me and imagined little Shoto running up to us and taking one of Hawks' feather. And then feather flies back to Hawks. I remembered the look of awe on Shoto's face. I closed my eyes and sighed as I walked forward, Akane coming with me. I heard someone walking our way and looked through the doorway to the left and saw Fuyumi.

"Hey, Touya. Long time no see." She smiled at me before pulling me into a hug. I smiled and hugged back. We both leaned away from the hug and she looked at Akane. "This must be Ito! I remember her from your letters."

Akane smiled at her and bowed. "Please. Call me Akane."

After Akane was showed to her room, I walked with Fuyumi to Natuso's room. We both talked while walking. Fuyumi spoke first. "Y'know, you really need to come see mom again. You haven't seen her in years."

I shrugged. "It's only been 2 years."

She looked at me and smiled. "That's still years."

She looked back in front of her and stayed silent for a second. I sighed and looked at our feet, hands in my pockets. "How's the old man?"

Fuyumi looked down as well. "He's just being Dad. Natsu has the excuse to hate him even more now."

I looked at her. "Why? What happened?"

She looked sad as we stopped in front of Natsuo's room. Then she opened the door. I walked inside before seeing Natsu sitting on his bed with his legs curled against his chest, sobbing into his knees. I gasped and ran to him. "Natsu! What happened?"

He looked up at me with a tear stained face and a black eye. I tensed up when I saw his face. They were used to being neglected. Not being beaten. I instantly felt anger arise inside me when I saw his face. I felt my hands begin to warm up. My teeth clenched. But then I felt Natsu hugging. He sobbed into my shoulder. "I'm sorry Touya. I'm sorry this is the first thing you have to deal with when you get home! I wanted you to have something to be happy about!"

I hugged him back and burried my face into his neck. "No Natsu. Don't say that. It's not your fault."

Hawks' POV

I closed the door and sat against it with a smile and blush on my face. I looked up at the ceiling as I touched my lips with my fingers. I love him so much. I sighed and looked down with a warm feeling in my chest. My wings wrapped around me. I closed my eyes and imagined the kiss again. Fumihiro being so close to me. His hands on my hips. His warmth. The warmth from his quirk.

But then the image of his turned into Todoroki. My eyes shot opened and I stopped blushing. I stood up and walked into the bathroom. Why did I think of Todoroki. TOUYA of all people! I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face before staring into the mirror. Even if I did like Todoroki... he hates me. And I don't even know why.

I sighed and looked down. Water dripped from my face and onto the counter. I then leaned away from the counter and wiped my face with the hand towel before hanging it back up. I sat down on the edge of my bed and then turned on my phone. I saw that I had a text from Fumihiro. I smiled slightly as I opened the text.

Fumihiro: I see you tomorrow, Hawks.

I smiled wider as I replied to him.

Hawks: I can't wait.

I put my phone on the bed next to me and laid down, staring at the ceiling. But I felt... lonely... without Todoroki here. Even though we never even spoke. I just... felt empty.

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