The Other Girl and the Other Boy

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Hawk's POV

After school, I was sitting on my bed when Todoroki came in. But he was with Akane. I mentally groaned in annoyance. They both walked over to his bed, ignoring my presence, and Akane basically sat on his lap and cuddled into him as they both laid down. I almost gagged and kept looking at my phone.

I saw through the corner of my eye that Akane leaned over to kiss him while he was looking at his phone which he reciprocated. I immediately jumped up and left the room. I wasn't doing this. I was gonna go see Fumihiro so I didn't have to watch as Akane stuck her tongue down his throat. It was disgusting.

I walked through the hallway and didn't bother using the elevator since I could use the excercise. I got Fumihiro's room with my hand in pockets and took one out to knock on the door. After waiting a few seconds, Fumihiro opened the door and smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

I shrugged. "Oh nothing. I just didn't want to watch a free porno in my room. Can I stay here for like, maybe an hour?"

He opened his door wider and let me in. "Sure."

I walked in and looked around. His roomate, Haru wasn't here. Fumihiro closed the door and walked over to his bed, sitting down on the farthest side from me and patting the bed. I smiled a little and walked over to him, taking off my shoes and sitting next to him, putting my phone on his nightstand. He grabbed my chin lightly and pulled my face to his, kissing me lightly. He went to pull away but I grabbed the back of his neck and stopped him, whispering against his lips. "Wait. I don't wanna stop."

I felt him smiled against my lips and continued to kiss me. I kept holding the back of his neck and held myself up with elbow. I tilted my head a little to kiss him deeper. This was nice. Fumihiro was all I thought about. I felt him put his palm on my cheek. It was warm. I could feel him breath out through his nose and I opened my eyes a tiny bit to see his beautiful eyelashes. I closed them again and continued to kiss him. I could get used to this.

Touya's POV

I could not get used to this! Akane was a terrible kisser. She shoved her tongue in my mouth and I tried to not gag. I was laying on my bed with my back propped up on my pillows while Akane was on my lap. She had her hands under my shirt, feeling my abs while I had my hands on her waist. I tried my best to act like I liked this. I kept my eyes closed and everything.

I felt Akane putting her hands farther up my shirt, towards my nipples. But I grabbed her wrists and stopped kissing at her, looking at her with a serious face that told her no. She looked at me with a pounty face. "Oh come on! I want to do it with you! We are alone afterall!" I glanced over at Hawks' bed and mentally cursed him for leaving before looking back at Akane.

(Yeah just an NSFW warning. Nothin much... maybe. It doesn't show explicit words but if you don't wanna read it then just tell me in the comments and I'll tell you the important stuff)

She smirked at me while she tried to arouse me by rubbing her lower region on my lap but it wasn't working. I just didn't like her. I grabbed her hips and stopped her. "No. I don't wanna have sex."

She looked at me with another pouty face but then smiled cheerfully again when an idea popped into her head. I mentally groaned, not knowing what she was going to do. I watched as she climbed down my legs, puting her body in between them as she put her hands on the waistband of my sweatpants. I looked at her from my position as I felt nervous. She obviously wasn't gonna take no for an answer.

She gripped the waistband and tugged on them. I took in a deep breath, watching her intently. I swallowed, not looking away from her gaze. She dragged my pants down to the bottom of my thighs and she looked at my boxer briefs. She looked at my lower region and smiled. "I guess it worked."

I looked down and cursed myself. I guess it wasn't entirely useless when she tried rubbing herself against me. She took her hand and rubbed at my clothed buldge, trying to get a reaction. My breaths started to get a little unstable as she now gripped the next waistband, slowly pulling down at it. I felt cold air hit my exposed skin and took in a deep breath. I closed my eyes and put my head back as I felt her do what she wanted to do so badly.

Hawks' POV

I rubbed my hands up and down his abs as he kissed me passionately. He was currently on top of me and we were both shirtless. My heart was beating fast right now. I kept my eyes closed as he started kissing at my neck. I tilted my head, giving him more access when he started to lightly suck at the skin. I groaned softly at the foreign feeling.

I lifted my knee slightly, accidentally pushing it against Fumihiro's lower region. I felt his breath shake slightly and I smiled. I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling above me as I pushed my knee up again, getting the same reaction from Fumihiro. He stopped sucking on my neck and hovered over my face again. He smirked seductively and started kissing me again.

The kiss started to get a lot more heated and I kept pushing my knee into him. But what I didn't expect was for him to do the same to me. I moaned lowly when he did so. I felt a mix of his and my spit roll down my cheek but I ignored it.

We both stayed like that for a few minutes when I heard the door open. We both shot straight up and looked in the direction of the sound. Haru. He stood there awkwardly before saying the worst thing possible. "Get it, I guess."

Fumihiro instantly got up and put his shirt on, me doing the same. I squeezed past Haru and walked out. "I'll just go now! The room is probably clear now."

I waved bye to Fumihiro and went down to my dorm. I jogged through the stairs and stayed deep in thought, remembering what happened just minutes before. I slowed down and put my fingers to my lips and smiled like a crushing little girl. I groaned at how cringey I was being and opened the door to the hallway.

I walked up to the dorm room and opened the door. But right when I opened it, I regretted not listening through the door before opening. Because what I was looking at would scar me for life. Akane had Todoroki's dick in her mouth, and he looked like he was enjoying it.

(Welp, now the NSFW is over but it will start right over again during the start of the next chapter. Again, if you didn't wanna read it, just tell me in the comments and I'll tell you the important stuff. I won't pressure you into reading it if you don't want to)

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