Will You Marry Me

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(I have a note! :D You guessed it! NSFW in this chapter)

8 years later~

Hawks' POV

I opened my door and looked inside my one bedroom apartment. Me and Touya didn't need anything fancy. I walked inside and looked around, taking off my coat for hero work. I looked around with a smile. I hung my coat and walked towards our room. "Touya! Where are you?"

I walked up to the door and opened it, pushing it open. And then, I was hit with the sight of a room filled with rose petals everywhere, flowers on the bed, and Touya on one knee. My eyes widened as he smiled with a blush and said the four words I've been waiting to hear him say. "Will you marry me?" He was holding a golden ring  with lines across the sides that had bright ruby in it.

I froze and covered my mouth as tears began to fall. I ran for Touya and wrapped him in a tight hug, kissing him. I looked at him with a smile as he laughed. "That's not answer."

I laughed with him. "God, Touya! FUCK YES! I WILL MARRY YOU!" I kissed him passionately as I pushed him to the ground, giggling into his mouth.

He pushed me up slightly and looked me in the eyes with a smile. "We have a date, Keigo!"

I sat up, sitting on his lap before standing up. "Then take me." And he did. We both left and he drove me to a hot wings place. I never did like fancy stuff. We had our first few dates at fast food restuarants and other cheap places. Sometimes I would fly Touya across the city, showing him my favorite spots. I didn't care when we would be put in the paper.

Touya got out of the car and when I tried to open my door, it cracked open before Touya ran to the other side and slammed it closed. He opened it, stepping aside, making me laugh. "Don't kill chivalry, Keigo!"

I stepped out, laughing. I kissed Touya before walking with him into the hot wings place, hand in hand. When we got in there, we ordered some regular, breaded wings and then stared at each other with happiness. I rested my head in my hands as I smiled at Touya. "I bet you never would have imagined us being here now, would you."

He laughed a little. "Definitely not. I knew my dad would kill me. But... I never went back home. So, he can't, can he?"

I bit my lip in thought. I was so sad back then. Yet now, I can't imagine not being happy with him. I reached out my hand and held it open. He grabbed my hand and I squeezed it.

Our time was interupted when a lady came to us with a large bowl of chicken wings. Me and Touya let go of each other's hands and each grabbed a chicken wing. It reminds me of when I ate chicken wings in the dorm. Touya once asked me if it was cannabilism. But I guess it isn't because I can fly. It's not chicken wings that I have.

I chewed on the meat with a bright smile. I looked at Touya while he ate. He was happy. We were both so happy with each other. I could live like this forever.

After we ate, we went back to the apartment and got inside. Touya brought me to the room and then the bathroom, smiling as he opened the door. I had a feeling he was was planning something more. I smiled as he motioned for me to stay put. He turned on the bath and pulled out bubble soap from the cabinet. It was the one that I got for when I had a stressful day on the job.

I stood there, excited as he filled the tub with warm water before pouring a generous amount of soap into the running water, causing it to bubble up. After it was filled,  he turned off the water and turned to me with smile. He walked closer to me and took my shirt off for me, and then his. He leaned in to kiss me gently as he took my pants off for me, along with my underwear. He fully undressed himself and then took my hand, leading me to the tub. He stepped in and sat down, motioning for me to get in with him.

I stepped into the warm water, not letting go of his hand, or looking away from his eyes. I put my legs right next to his hips. I sat down on his lap and put my hands on his chest, leaning in to kiss him again. He put his hands on my hips as we kissed with pure passion.

I felt the tip of my wings dip into the warm water, the soap sticking onto them. Touya leaned his head back a little to speak. "Lets do it."

I smiled a little before I lifted my self up from his lap, feeling his hard self. He moved his hand underwater and inserted himself into me. I was already loose from last night. It was a long night. I slowly sunk onto Touya. We continued to kiss as I slowly lifted up and went down, making the water move with us. I held his cheek as I moaned lightly. I broke the kiss and leaned my head against his.

Touya closed his eyes as he held my sides, moving me along with him. I closed my eyes as well as I enjoyed the slow pace of sex that was completley for love. Not lust. All I could hear was the water splashing against the tub and our bodies while we breathed heavily. I kissed Touya again.

I felt Touya grabbed my hand and hold it while we made love. He's gonna be the death of me.

Later that night~

Hawks' POV

I loved being the little spoon. I attempted to fall asleep as Touya held me from behind. Our bath together was nice. It wasn't that often we would take a bath. We would usual fuck in the shower or have a romantic moment. I learned to love that Touya loves cheesy romance. It's his biggest weakness. I held his hands tightly as I closed my eyes.

I sat up and looked around. I was in my own room. I looked at Touya next to me and smiled. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I was so happy. I have the perfect life right now. I have the perfect amount of money, the perfect boy- no. Fiance. That's right. We're engaged now. I smiled at the thought. I have money. Lots of it. But I have the perfect home I could ever want. A one bedroom apartment. And me and Touya planned to adopt a little girl.

I kept looking in the mirror as I heard the door open. I looked through the mirror and saw Touya walking in. I looked at him and smiled. "Hey, Honey."

He looked at me, but he didn't smile back. Instead, I saw blood leak from his chest. And then he collapsed.

I gasped as I woke up, still in Touya's arms. I felt him tense up from the noise. He calmed his muscles and held my tighter. "Are you okay, Keigo."

I smiled. "Yeah. Just a bad dream. But you're here now."

The next day~

Hawks' POV

I flew slowly alongside Touya, my fiance. I talked to him as we were on our way. He had changed his hero costume long ago to look similar to mine. Same shirt and pants but all of the colors were black and purple. "So, where we're going, there's a villain with a telekinesis quirk?"

Touya nodded. "It'll be troublesome. But I know we can manage."

I looked at him and smiled. "Of course we can. I'm the number 2 hero. And you're number 1."

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