The School Bathroom

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Hawks' POV

I woke up later that night and looked up at Touya's face. I smiled with a blush. I love him. I didn't know I could love someone this much. He helped me stop thinking about Fumihiro. And... I wanted to him my real name. And I did. Not my last name. But I told him my first name. I cuddled into him as I attempted to fall back asleep.

Touya's POV

I woke up from my alarm and felt Keigo wrapped under my arms. I turned off the alarm and hugged Keigo tighter. I kissed his forehead before sneaking off of the bed. He usually got up a few minutes after me. He deserves the sleep. I walked to my wardrobe and didn't bother going to the bathroom to get dressed. I stood in front of my dresser and put on my uniform before walking over to Hawks and turning his alarm off as it turned on. I grabbed a rogue feather and laid back next to him, playing with the feather until he opened his eyes and looked at me.

He smiled when he saw me. I put the feather down and leaned down to kiss him. Then he got up and started to get dressed before we both left for school.

Hawks' POV

We both walked together, seperating once we got into the school, kissing each other goodbye. I walked to my class and stopped in front of the door, remembering that I would see Fumihiro inside. I closed my eyes and opened the door, not looking towards the back when I opened the door. I sat in my seat and looked forward, waiting for the teacher to enter.

After sitting down for a few seconds, I heard someone come up to me and then heard Fumihiro's voice. "Hawks..."

I stood up, head down and looked at the hands of the person in front of my desk. "I swear on everything I love that if you do not leave me alone I will kill you right here and now." I saw him clench his fists before he walked away. I sat back down and stared at my hands. I didn't feel sad. I felt happy. I was free of Fumihiro. And I had someone who I actually loved. More than him. I had Touya. I couldn't wait to see him.

Last night he had given me his number. Finally. I heard my phone vibrate and I turned it on to see Touya's name pop up saying that I got a text.

Touya: After 30 minutes of class, meet me in the 3rd floor bathroom.

Keigo: Got it.

And as I said, when 30 minutes passed, I raised my hand, holding my stomach, and asked to go to the bathroom, making it seem like I needed to shit. And the teacher let me. I ran out of the class and got to the bathroom soon after that. I opened the door and looked inside to see Touya leaned against the wall next to the sinks. He smiled when he saw me. I walked up to him and put my arms around his neck, kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my toward him more.

I heard someone walk in and complain about this being gay. With that, Touya glared at them, still kissing me, and squeezing my ass which made me jump but smile into the kiss. After they left, Touya broke the kiss and pushed my into a stall next to us and closed the door. He pinned me against the wall, holding my hands above me, and moving his mouth to my neck. This was hot.


He started licking and kissing my neck, biting it too. I felt him push his knee in between my legs, making me bite my lip lightly. He rubbed it back and forth, attempting to arouse me as he went back to kissing me. He moved to holding my wrists with one hand and moved his hand to feel under my shirt. His fingers ran across my stomach, and all of my curves, lightly using his quirk to wear it burned a little but felt good.

He kissed me deep as I felt myself getting hard. He rubbed his knee against me harder, smiling into the kiss once he felt my boner. He brought his hand down toward my pants as he put his leg down. I slowly put his hand into my pants and into my underwear, dragging his fingers over my trimmed hairs. I felt so desperate for this. My breathing halted for a second when his hand wrapped around my dick.

He started to slowly stroke at me, making me whimper. It felt so good. I slowly moved with his hand. He moved away from my mouth and back to my neck. I tilted my head, giving him more access. He started to stroke me faster. My breathing sped up and I closed my eyes tight as I focussed on the pleasure. I humped into his hand faster as I felt my climax creeping up on me.

I moaned lowly. "P-Please. Faster. T-Touya!"

I felt him smirk against my neck before he bit by my collorbone, making me yelp. He started to stroke me really fast, making me moan louder. Touya moved his hand from my wrists to cover my mouth. I put my hand down and scratched at the wall as he sucked on the bite mark. I moaned desperately into his hand, drool dribbling past my lip.

And then I came. It felt so fucking good. When Touya felt the sticky cum come out, he pushed his hand harder on my mouth to muffle the loud noises. He licked the bite marks one last time before kissing me, still stroking me so I can ride out my high. I squeezed my eyes shut as I humped into his fist hard and rough. And then I slowed down and caught my breath as Touya pulled away. He stared at me as he brought his sticky hand up for me to see. He didn't look away from me as he smirked seductively and licked it off his hand, making it clean.

Then he took that same hand, and pointed down, signaling for me to get on my knees. I didn't bother buckling my belt or zipping up my pants. I took no time to get on my knees in front of him. I held myself in front of his own buckle and quickly undid it. I pulled his pants partially down until I saw his underwear with his boner peaking out. I pulled his boxer briefs down and looked straight at his rock hard dick.

I looked up at him as I took it in my hand, stroking it a few times before licking the tip and taking the whole thing into my mouth. Not long after, I felt his hands tangle themselves in my hair and then push my head all the way onto him, pushing his cock deep inside of me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as spit rolled down my chin.

I heard his deep groan as he fucked into my mouth. I hummed onto him, making him feel more pleasure. He gripped my hair and slammed me onto his cock multiple times until he was moving at a fast speed. It was so hot. And after a little while, I heard him moaning while he covered his mouth with one hand before he came into my mouth with a few more thrusts. I took his dick out of my mouth and swallowed all of his semen. It wasn't good but it was his. So it was enjoyable.

I got up slowly before he kissed me again. We broke the kiss and zipped out pants up, buckling our belts, and then going to wash our hands. I kissed Touya one more time as I walked out, fixing my collar. I smiled to myself as I walked back to class with my hands in my pockets. That was my first time even touching someone else's dick. It was amazing.

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