The Big Reveal

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Hawks' POV

I acted as if I was on my phone as I watched Todoroki pace around the room, mumbling to himself about things I could barely hear. But I knew it was surely Akane's pregancy that was eating at him. I started at him from the corner of my eye as I thought of the perfect way to bring up what Yumi was talking about. The orginization was called Family Info. basic, I know, but that's what it's called.

Yumi told me everything and gave me a site to go to on my phone for more information. I looked back at my phone which had their website up. I read through a bunch of stuff including who their best worker is. It all depended on who's quirk gives the most information. That worst one can only give you the bloodline. Which would be helpful if I didn't suspect her going after all the Todoroki kids. She did go twice afterall.

The best one worked on saturdays. Which was tomorrow. I looked through how many people might be waiting for him on average and it wasn't much. It wasn't that popular of an organization. It was just some brothers helping people out on their free time.

I looked over at Todokoki when he stopped pacing in front of his wardrobe. He was trembling while facing it. And then he screamed and slammed his fists into it. "FUCK!"

I decided this might be the time. He seemed pretty desperate. "Hey, um... I know it's not my business but if you need reassurence then I might have the answer."

To my surprise, he turned to me calmly, his look urging me to continue. I sat up all the way, adjusting my wings behind me. "It's an organization that's called Family Info. If you bring Akane with you, I can bring you to them and they can figure out if it's actually your child. I know you wouldn't want to consider the option of her cheating but it will definitely help you accept it if you are the father."

He stared at me for a good minute before answering. "When are they available?"

I sighed in relief. "The best one of available tomorrow and is just a mile away. You could leave tomorrow but I already know a bunch of details about them and where to find them so I should go with you."

He turned away and faced the dresser, leaned against it with both his arms. "Fine. I'll tell Akane. And if she doesn't agree then I'll be even more sure that it isn't mine."

I smiled in relief. It worked. With that, Todoroki left the room.

The Next day~

Hawks' POV

All three of us stepped off of the train and looked around, it was close. Todoroki had been ignoring me the whole time, making it obvious he didn't like me very much. Not that it was a surprise. I led them to where Yumi explained for me to go. I looked around until I saw a building that was the size of a small cafe. I walked in and they followed.

We waited a few minutes after signing in before being called into the back room. I stayed in the waiting room as waited for them to be finished. The couple from before walked out with a smiled, and I heard the girl saying stuff like, I told you I didn't cheat, and the guy was saying apologies.

Touya's POV

I sat in the chair Akane did the same. The man in front of us looked young. Maybe in his mid 20's. He smiled at us nicely, helping to ease my nerves just a bit. He sat behind a desk and looked at us. "You guys are young."

Akane nodded, looking ashamed. He stood up and walked to the other side of the desk, towards us. He kept smiling as he approached Akane. "May you please stand up?" As he asked, she did. She stood up and put her hands behind her back. The man continued. "Could you lift your shirt to reveal your stomach, please?"

And so she did. When she held her shirt up, he placed his palm on her stomach and focused intently. He nodded to himself. "Yes, that's you. Akane Ito." He continued to think through it all until he stopped moving. He moved his hand off of her stomach and stared at me. He stared at me with an unfamiliar gaze. I couldn't tell. But... the more quiet he was, the more I realized how bad the answer was. He... looked sick at the answer. His face was pale.

He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. How bad is it? I now knew for sure that it wasn't mine but his reaction is making me sure that it was worse than that. Way worse. I felt my heart beat faster and destroy that relief about me not being a father. The man looked at me, and then Akane. But when he looked at Akane, he looked at her with pure horror. He back away from her and walked behind his desk, as if it were a shield, blocking her from him.

I gripped the armrests and leaned forward. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath when he looked at me. "It's not you. You aren't the father. But that's not the worst of it." He looked at Akane with a look of disgust. "I've never seen someone come to me with a secret like this..." I held my breath as I waited for the answer. He looked back at me. "The father isn't you. It's..."

Hawks' POV

I heard a slam and I jumped. I looked over to the direction of where they had gone and saw Todoroki storming out. I couldn't tell what the answer was. Did Todoroki realize he was the dad and freaked out? Or did she cheat? He looked like he was about to blow though. Akane ran after him, crying. I still couldn't tell. But I followed them.

When Todoroki was outside, and the door closed behind me, he stopped in the parking lot. He was facing his back towards me but I could see his fists trembling. But it wasn't like before. Now... seemed like pure rage. Something... was wrong. More than her just cheating. More than her raping someone. I could see his skin starting to steam.

Akane ran to him and grabbed his shoulder and less than a second later, he turned around with record speed and grabbed her wrist, with it already covered in blue flames. She started to scream in agony as tears left his wide, craze filled eyes as he clenched his teeth in fury. And then he said something. Something that made me realize just how terrible of a person she really was. Made me realize just how much this bitch deserved to die. "OF ALL PEOPLE! SHOTO?!"

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