Thin Walls

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Hawks' POV

I stood by the door, eyes wide while I stared at Akane deep throating Todoroki. They both looked at my quickly, Akane unfortunately taking Todoroki's dick out of her mouth and giving me a full shot of it.

I gulped in embarrassment and looked at Todoroki's face of horror before slamming the door and walked away calmly. Well, calmly on the outside. But freaking the fuck out on the inside. What the fuck did I just see?! I was joking about the porno thing but I didn't actually think he was gonna get a blow job! But what I also didn't expect is how much I feel like I'm missing out on with Fumihiro!

I shook my head and got out of the building. I decided to fly around to clear my thoughts.

Touya's POV

Akane looked at me with wide eyes and I stared right back at her while she still held my dick in her hands. I gulped before sitting up all the way and stuffing it away. "That's enough for now."

(End of NSFW for now)

Akane sat up and put her hands on the bed, giving me yet another pounty face. "Awww but you didn't even finish!"

I stood up and walked towards the door. "I didn't need to."

I opened the door and held it open for her. She looked at me with her mouth agape and wide eyes. "You're really gonna make me leave after that?!"

I looked at her with a straight face. "Hawks needs to sleep in his bed and I don't think he wants to come back to see you after seeing THAT!"

She crossed her arms in protest. "What are you sleeping with him now?"

I didn't say anything, trying not to let her get to me. But she just continued to my disliking. "That's really disgusting. Doing something with someone that young. And he's a guy."

I clenched my teeth. Akane walked over to me and pecked my lips, now smiling. "I'm just kidding, Baby!" She walked out without another word. I closed the door and sighed with relief. She was finally gone. Fuck. I walked to the bathroom and washed my hands, feeling dirty. I then took my tooth brush and started brushing my teeth until my gums bled.

I walked back out of the bathroom and heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Hawks. I laughed a little at the sight of him knocking on his own dorm door but quickly let the smile fade as I let him in. He awkwardly walked. I immediately noticed something on his neck and mentally laughed as I realized he was also gettin some. There was a large hickey.

He walked into the room and plopped onto his bed but after a few seconds he went to the bathroom. The look on his face told me he wasn't actually using the toilet in there. But I ignored the thought as I sat back on my bed and got on my phone.

(Guess what? You got it! More NSFW! I really need a life...)

Hawks' POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what me and Fumihiro were doing. I was finally able to stop thinking about what I walked in on but I didn't wanna stop thinking about me and Fumihiro's makeout sesh.

But unfortunately it was really getting to me. I leaned my back against the counter and looked down. I felt my buldge rub against my sweatpants and took a deep breath before putting my hand in my pants and taking care of it. When I started to jerk myself off lightly, I closed my eyes and started thinking of the way Fumihiro kissed me. I imagined him kissing my neck. I imagined him rubbing his knee against me. I started imagining stuff that didn't happen as I slowed down, savoring this moment.

I imagine Fumihiro traveling his lips down my chest and across my skin. I imagined his light purple eyes looking up at me the whole time while his colored fingertips moved across every curve on my body, confusing my body with the changes in temperature. I squeezed my eyes shut as my breathing got unstable. I started to move faster as I imagine Fumihiro moving my underwear down and grabbing me, pleasuring me, kissing my thighs.

I stroked faster and faster until one image came into my head and made my eyes widen. Todoroki. In the position that I was imagining Fumihiro. I immediately burst into my hand and slapped the other one over my mouth, covering my moan up. I breathed heavily as I realized what just happened. I finished right when I thought of Todoroki. I blushed hard and quickly cleaned up.

No. That was just a mistake my brain made. I came from thinking of Fumihiro but Todoroki popped into my head for no reason at all. Yeah. I finished cleaning up and walked out of the room, seeing that Todoroki was asleep. I sighed in relief knowing that I wouldn't have to deal with his glare looking at me with hate.

I walked to my bed, quietly, and then laid down and fell asleep.

Touya's POV

I wasn't asleep. I just didn't wanna face him and let him know with my stare just how thin these walls were. That would be an awkward exchange. Instead, I just waited till he was asleep to bring my phone back out. Akane was trying to send me nudes. But I wasn't feeling it. I told her to stop and then turned it off and tried to go to sleep for real.

(End of NSFW)

Hawks' POV

I woke up the next morning from my alarm and turned it off after a few seconds. I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly to be met with an empty room. I was confused. Touya wouldn't leave before I get up. I sat up and looked towards the bathroom. The light was off. I checked my phone and realized that I set the wrong alarm. I set the alarm I made a few years ago. Why did I even have that thing?!

I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and threw on my clothes. I was already 10 minutes late to class. Why didn't Todoroki wake me up?! I rushed around, looking like shit before I left. I got scolded badly for being late and I glanced over at Fumihiro who was quietly laughing. When the teacher turned towards the board, I flipped him off.

When the lunch bell rang, I ran out of class to go to lunch but Fumihiro stopped me and pushed me into a broom closet next to the lockers. He locked the door and pinned me against the wall. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips while I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him deeper. I smiled into the kiss when I heard him mumble something that made my heart flutter. "I love you, Hawks."

I kissed him for another second before responding. "I love you too, Fumihiro. And I'll always love you and only you." And it was true. Why wouldn't I love him? It's not like I have anyone else to love.

(Also, just so you know, Hawks didn't know how thin the walls were because he could hear through his feather when Touya was talking in there)

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