Origin Stories

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(Heavy NSFW in this chapter)

Hawks' POV

After class was over, I basically ran back to the dorm and slammed the door open, seeing Touya sitting back on his bed. He smiled. "I was waiting for you, slowpoke."

I walked over to him and climbed onto his lap. I leaned down and kissed him. I smiled at him as I lifted my head. "How was your day?"

He smiled and kissed me again. "It was long. I missed you."

I kissed him deeper before stopping. I wanted to tell him about my past. I didn't like to keep things from him. Touya seemed to notice something was wrong. "Keigo, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

I shook my head. "No... it's just." I looked him deep in the eyes with love. "I don't want to hide anything from you."

He looked at me confused. "What is it?"

I climbed off of him and sat next to him, curling up into a ball, hugging my legs. He sat up and looked at me, seemingly worried at my nervous face. "So... before I was born, my mom was sheltering a wanted murderer... And they ended up having me." I looked up at him. "I wasn't allowed to leave my house... at all. My dad thought that I would end up ratting him out. Until I did leave. I left and when I went back, I was beaten. He thought I was trying to turn him in or something." I realized I was shaking.

Touya took my hand and held it, reassuring me that he wouldn't leave me from this information. "Your dad... Endeavor. He ended up arresting him. Saving me. That's why I look up to him. And my mom was forced to live on the streets. She sent me here to give me a place to live. It's getting paid by the government, surprisingly. Some of them took pity on me. But they didn't help my mom. That's why..."

He continued for me. "That's why you wanted to go to my house that one time." I slowly nodded. He looked at me and I looked back at him. He smiled, making me happier. He leaned in and kissed me before saying something again. "Keigo. I'll love you no matter what!"

I smiled back at him. "Thank you." I leaned away from him and looked at our hands. "Yeah um... my last name is Takami."

Touya squeezed my hand. "I remember that guy. He was in the news when we were young."

I nodded my head. Then he turned back to me. "Can I tell you a secret of mine?"

I looked at him and nodded. He sighed. "So... Y'know quirk marriages?" I nodded. I've heard of those. "Well I was born from them. My dad, Endeavor wanted to have a child surpass All Might. He had me first and... I have skin for an ice quirk..." I looked at him in horror. That means... he has been burning himself alive this whole time. "but fire hotter than my own father's. After me, they had my sister, Fuyumi. Her quirk was ice. Then Natsuo. Then Shoto. Shoto was the final one he chose, tossing me aside after ruining me with constant training."

He paused for a moment. "He... abuses us. Neglects everyone but Shoto now. I'm surprised he pays for me to be here. But he's always training Shoto now. That's what he meant when you came over."

I listened intently. This was terrible. I... looked up to this monster. "And after I came here... I started to like you." My eyes widened. He liked me... for that long? Why did he push me away then? "And after I brought you home, my dad noticed the look in my eyes... and beat me. He told me how it is unnatural for two guys to be together. That it's disgusting. That if he found out I still liked you later on... that he would pull me out of the school. And I didn't wanna have to go back home."

He sighed. That's why. "So, I pushed you away. And then I blamed it all on you. I tried to hurt you because I thought that would make you go away. I thought maybe then I would be able to stop loving you. But when I saw you cowering by the door... I had so much anger inside me. But when I saw you... it reminded me of Shoto. I couldn't save Shoto from Akane but I thought I might be able to save you from Fumihiro. Not to mention..."

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