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Hawks' POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling. It made my heart start to beat faster but I calmed it. I got up and got dressed into normal clothes and opened the door. I looked around the hallway and saw that Touya's light was on. I walked towards his door and looked inside. I didn't see him.

I listened closer to the yelling. It was Endeavor. I knew he was angry a lot. But I still admired him. He basically saved me. I couldn't hear what he was saying. I slowly walked towards the yelling. But then someone grabbed my wrist. I looked behind me and saw Touya's mom. Rei I think. She looked nervous. "You shouldn't do that. He doesn't like when people listen in. Breakfast is ready."

I walked with her to the dining room and sat down. Touya wasn't at the table. Shoto sat next to me and Fuyumi and Natsuo were quiet. Endeavor wasn't there either. I thanked Rei and then started to eat the food. It was silent the whole time.

After we were done eating, Rei took the dishes and went to go clean them. Natsuo took me outside and while we walked through the hallways, I could hear the yelling. It was still going on. This time it started to worry me. We got outside and Fuyumi met us out there with the ball. We started playing the same game as yesterday when Touya came outside.

He had tears in his eyes. He sat down by the wall and watched us. I tried to stay happy as I played ball. But Endeavor came out and looked around before his eyes fell on Shoto. "Shoto. I told you not to come out here. It is time to train." Shoto ran to him and waved bye to us.

I looked at Touya. He seemed really upset. Natsuo kicked the ball to me but instead of continuing to play, I walked away and went towards Touya. "Hey, what's wrong?" I stood in front of him.

He didn't look up. "Nothing. I'm fine."

I looked back at the others. Fuyumi looked at Touya with pity. What was wrong with him? Touya didn't end up playing. The day went on with silence. No one spoke that much. Touya didn't speak at all. He looked gloomy. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong. He wouldn't even look me in the eye.

I went to bed with silence. Uncomfortable silence. I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before I adjusted my sleeping position to make my wings comfortable. I thought back to Touya's nightmares. I wonder if he's gonna gave one tonight. What is he even dreaming of? Then I thought of my own nightmares. I haven't been having them. At least not since Touya came to the school.

Touya's POV

I looked around. I was in my room. It was dark. I went to turn on the light when I heard yelling from the other room. I walked through the unusually dark hallway. I looked forward. It was long. Too long. I walked faster. Then I started to run. But it was too long. It stretched so long. It repeated. There was no end. I felt tears fall from my face. No! I can't cry. Not now.

I turned around and looked all around. Everything faded to black as I curled into a ball. I'm scared. I wiped my eyes and then looked around the darkness. I can't see anything. Wait. I do see something. Mom. She was crouching in front of Shoto. He was crying. She was wrapping a bandage around his arm. I walked towards them. Then I saw Dad walking towards them. No.

He reached his hand out and grabbed Mom by her hair, and then ripped her away from Shoto. I ran towards him. I tried to grab at his arm. But I went through him. I watched as he grabbed Shoto by the arm and dragged him away. "SHOTO! NO!"

I tried to run after them but I fell. I fell into water. I tried to swim. But I couldn't. I got to the top and then got pulled under. Something grabbed at my legs. I couldn't see. I was pulled under. I was dragged deep down. I reached out for something to grab onto. But I couldn't reach anything. Nothing but water. I reached for something that wasn't there.

I opened my mouth and let out a scream. But it was muffled. I flung myself around, trying to get lose from the hands gripping at my ankles. I tried to activate my quirk but the water stopped it. I tried to scream again. But it didn't work. Then I felt something grab my wrist. It pulled me up, out of the water. I gasped for air as I got ripped from the water. I looked around. I was back in the dark room. I didn't see anyone or anything. Who was the one who saved me?

I looked around before I noticed something on the ground. I crouched down to see a red feather. I picked it up and looked around. No one. Hawks wasn't there. But then the feather flung past me and disappeared into the darkness. I turned around and tried to look around. But I didn't see anyone.

I walked into the darkness. Then I started to run. There was nothing. Nothing throughout this whole place. It was huge. But empty. But then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw him. Hawks. He was standing there with straight posture and a scowl on his face. A scowl I had yet to see. He had his fists clenched. "You are a monster."

I stepped towards him. "What?"

He stepped back. "You're weak. You can't even handle your own quirk."

I heard a voice form behind me. "You're a disgrace." I turned around and saw Mom. She looked angry. "I regret having you!"

I heard another voice to my right. "You complain about the attention you get..." I turned and saw Fuyumi. "but I would do anything to get attention. No matter what it is. You're so ungrateful!"

I heard another voice that came from behind me. I whipped around and saw Natsu. "You're the reason that we can't have a normal life! I hate you so much, Touya!"

I heard a deeper voice coming from where Hawks was standing. I turned and saw Dad in the place where Hawks was standing. "It's sad. You're little brother was stronger than you. You would be better off dead!"

I then heard screaming coming from above me. I looked up and saw Hawks flying down at me. I tried to back up but he crashed into me. I fell onto back and he sat on my chest. He grabbed my neck and started to choke me. He looked at me with fury. "YOU'RE A VILLAIN! YOU'D BE BETTER OFF DEAD! DIE!"

I grabbed his hands and tried to rip them off my neck but it didn't work. I'm weak. I'm so weak.

I jolted awake to the sound of someone telling me to wake up while shaking me. I gasped for air as I looked around. Hawks was standing right next to me. I looked at him in silence before sighing. "What are you doing in here?"

Hawks stared at me with confusion. "You were... You were having a nightmare. You looked very distressed."

I looked down at my hands. They were shaking. "Just... leave me alone. Don't come into my room without my permission."

Hawks looked at me with surprise and sadness. I don't know why I said it. But I did. And I don't regret it. My dad taught me the lesson for having a friend anyway. I should have never brought him here. And I should have never saved him.

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