Special Chapter

360 10 11

This chapter is a request from HawksTheHomosexual

Akane's POV

I finally left work at around 2 AM. Working at the club, especially what I had to do, wasn't so great. I heard about Touya's death, but honestly, I didn't care as much as I thought I would.

I opened the door to my apartment, which was in my mom's name. I closed the door behind me and took my shoes off, wincing at how bad those heels made my feet hurt. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, sighing as I saw that my leftovers from two nights ago was already bad.  I closed the fridge, not bothering to deal with the pundgant smell. I decided that I should just put my shoes back on, despite the pain, and go get something to eat.


I left the gas station and sat on the curb. I made sure that my panties weren't visible from my short, leather skirt. I didn't have the chance to take off my work clothes.

I took a bite of my hotdog, only to be disapointed by the fact that it wasn't even close to fresh. I looked at the two cars that were in the parking lot. I noticed that a couple was making out in one of them. The other one was empty. The person was probably in the gas station. It wasn't there when I got there, meaning that it wasn't the worker's car.

I finished my hotdog and got up to walk back to my apartment. It was really dark out, so I reached for my phone to use a flashlight, but then I remembered that I had forgotten it. I groaned and tried my hardest to see my surroundings, despite the fact that it was almost impossible.

As I continued to walk, I started to feel like I was being watched. My vision had slightly adjusted to the darkness, but I still couldn't see anyone. I tried to shake the feeling until I got back to my apartment.

When I finally did get back, I turned on the TV and went to the bathroom. I used the toilet, washed my hands, and then went back into the living room to watch some TV. I put a news channel on first, only to see a 'breaking news' broadcast. It immediately got my attention. I leaned forward on the couch to get a closer look at the TV.

The woman on the screen was sitting at a desk with a look of surprise on her face. "We have just gotten word that an inmate has just escaped a nearby prison."

My heart started beating really fast, and I was hoping that it wasn't who I thought it was. But sure enough, when the picture popped onto the screen, I was greeted with the former #1 hero's face, Enji Todoroki. Also known as Endeavor. I jumped up and ran to my front door to lock it. I turned around and leaned agaisnt it. I knew that if he escaped, he would come after me after what I did to his son.

I felt my heart pounding now. I walked back to the couch and looked at the TV again. But I couldn't pay attention anymore.


I decided to finally go to sleep. I turned the TV off and then the lights. I walked to my room and laid down in the bed, turning my back to the rest of the room and facing the wall. I closed my eyes to try to sleep.

I was on the verge of sleep when I heard a sound, that I assumed was just the neighbors. Then it happened again, but closer. It was the sound of footsteps. I groaned and pressed my hands to my ears. They were always so loud!

The footsteps stopped, and I put my hands down, about to fall back asleep. Then, I saw light through my eyelids. I turned around to look at what the source was, when my heart practically stopped. Standing there, right by my bedroom door, was Endeavor, fire coming from his body. He smirked at me before setting my room ablaze, walking out, and closing the door.

I jumped up and ran to the door, trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge. I screamed for help, bu none came. I looked all over my room for something to help me. But the flames kept creeping closer, trapping me in the corner. They moved faster than I expected, as if they were alive. They licked at my skin, and before I knew it, they were too close. I could feel the heat, and it was hotter than anything I had felt before.

I could hear the sound of sirens, but I knew that it was too late. All I could do was scream. And that wasn't enough.

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