Akane Ito

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(Just so you know, Hawks is now 12 and Touya is 14. Touya just had his birthday a bit after the break ended and it wasn't celebrated. Neither was Hawks' birthday. He didn't mention it but it was in the middle of the break when he was at Touya's house)

1 week later~

Touya's POV

I left the dorm and met with Ito outside. I waved at her. "Hey, Ito."

She looked at me with a pouty face. "I told you to call me Akane! How long has it been? And you still call me buy my family name?"

I shrugged. "Fine... Akane." I said it sacrastically.

She elbowed me in the side. "You suck, Touya."

I laughed a little. We left the campus and walked towards the coffee shop. Akane walked with her hands behind her back. "So, what's you mom like?"

I looked at her. "What? Why are you asking?"

She looked at me and shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, we've been friends for a while but I never asked about your family. I mean, I obviously know who your dad is but not your mom."

I looked back in front of me and sighed lightly. "I don't know. She's in a mental hospital but... she's a good person."

She looked away from me and to her shoes. "What does she looked like?"

I looked at some kid walking with his mom. "She... has long white hair... and grey eyes. She's really pretty."

She smiled at me. "I bet she is. She is your mom afterall."

I looked back at her. "Are you calling me pretty?"

She giggled. "No, I'm calling your mom pretty."

I smiled and looked back in front of me as we approached the coffee shop. I opened the door and held it open for her. "Ladies first... Akane." I said her name sarcastically again.

She smirked as she walked in slowly. "Thank you... Touya." She said my name in the same sarcastic way I said her's.

Hawks' POV

I laid on my bed silently. My controller broke and now I'm bored. I pulled my phone out and looked at it. I saw a text from a classmate. It was Yumi. Yumi Suzuki. She was kinda a friend. I rarely talked to her but she had a whole other friend group that she talked to. But she was usually hanging around her girlfriend. I read the text.

Yumi: Hey, we're about to go to the new coffee shop that opened last week, wanna go?

Hawks: Sure.

Touya's POV

I heard some people walk in behind me but I didn't look over. I kept facing Akane as I sipped at my tea with some cake in front of me. Akane spoke to me with her mouth full. "So, Touya. What's your favorite color?"

I thought for a second before answering. "Yellow."

Akane swallowed her food before talking again. "Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I picked at my cake with my fork. "I don't know. I guess... some people just ask me, who's your yellow... and... I don't ever know the answer. So I started searching for that answer. And I found it. But after all of that, they actually reminded me of the color yellow. And I... I cared for them. A lot. So now I love the color yellow. It's like a reminder of them."

Akane stared at me for a second before smiling again. I turned around and looked at a waitress who was talking to some kids around our age. I couldn't see one kid because they were covered my the waitress. I looked back at Akane.

She popped her knuckles and then asked me another question. "You used to be friends with your roommate, right?" I nodded and she continued. "What happened?"

I looked back up at her from my cake. "Hm?"

She looked over at some other people in the cafe and then back at me. "I mean, you don't talk to him anymore. What happened?"

I took a bite from my cake. "Oh. Um... My dad just doesn't like me having friends. So he got mad when he came to my house. And he told me that if he found out I was still friends with him, I would be in a lot of trouble."

Akane looked at me with confusion. "But you're friends with me."

I thought for a second before answering. "But he doesn't know about you. It's not like Hawks was my first friend."

Hawks' POV

Oh. That's what happened. That must be what that yelling was. I looked over at Todoroki from across the Cafe when the waitress moved. I looked down at the table. At least I know I didn't do anything. But I felt tears pricking at my eyes anyway. I got up and smiled at Yumi and the others. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Bye." I spoke kinda quietly so Todoroki didn't hear me.

And then I went to the bathroom. I went into the family one so I could get some privacy. I stared into the mirror. I breathed deep. How could Todoroki be friends with someone like that? I remembered the day that she chained me to the bed. It was terrible. I stopped myself from crying and wiped my eyes. I spashed water on my face and then dried it before going back to the table, avoiding Todoroki's eyes.

I sat back down and smiled at the others.

Touya's POV

After a little while, we both left the coffee shop and went back to the dorms, going our seperate ways.

When I got back into the dorm room, I noticed that Hawks wasn't here. For some reason, I felt sad. Like I wanted to see him. I shook my head and then went to lay on my bed. I started reading a book when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed and got up to answer it.

It was Akane. "What do you want? We were just hanging out!"

She was holding something behind her back. "I have a surprise for you! I forgot to give it to you."

I opened the door wider and let her inside. She kept the thing behind her back. "So, I know that you told me that you couldn't have a phone..." She then pulled the thing from behind her back. It was indeed a phone. A cheap one. Probably from her own money. "So I got you one!"

I smiled a little. "Thanks."

I grabbed the phone from her and looked at it. We took a little while to set it up. She sat on the foot of my bed with me as she helped me. We were in the middle of getting it set up when Hawks walked in. He stared at Akane. He looked... nervous? He sat down on his bed and started to avoid her gaze. What was up with him? Did he like her or something?

I ignored him as Akane continued to help me. When we were done, she gave me her number and then left. When she was finally gone, Hawks looked like he was relieved. I finally looked at him fully and spoke to him. "What is up with you?"

He looked at me. "What do you mean?"

I shrugged as I sat on my bed fully and held my phone in front of me. "You're acting weird! Do you like Akane?"

He looked back in front of him. He looked nervous. I shook my head lightly and looked at my phone. "Just forget it."

We were both silent for a minute before I heard Hawks say something. "Do... you like her?"

I looked at him with disbelief. "What? No! I already like someone else!" I froze when I said that. I didn't mean to tell him that.

He looked at me, surprised. "Really?!"

I sighed and closed my eyes. "It's none of your business. It's not like we're friends!"

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