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Touya's POV

I ran out of my room when I heard a loud bang. Dad's already gone so it isn't him. I ran through the halls until I stopped, listening for another one. I heard it. Akane's scream. I ran to the guest room and slammed the door open to see a slightly younger girl on top of Akane, punching her non stop.

I ran over to them and pulled the girl off of her. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

I looked at the girl as I shoved her away. She looked furious. She pointed to Akane. "That girl deserves to die!"

I looked at Akane in confusion. I looked back at the other girl. "I'm going to give you one chance and one chance only to leave RIGHT NOW before I make sure you get arrested.

The girl looked at me in anger. "Do you even know what she did?"

I stared at her in anger before she huffed and then disappeared. Teleportation. That explains it. I looked back at Akane in confusion. "What was that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know! She just appeared in the room and attacked me. She's not that strong though." She wiped her face, touching a few red spots that might leave small bruises.

I heard knocking on the open door and turned around to see Fuyumi. "Is... Everything okay?"

Akane nodded and smiled. "Everythings okay. I just... saw a spider and freaked out. I hit my face on the wardrobe."

Fuyumi smiled. "Okay. Breakfast is ready! Natsu and Shoto are already eating."

Akane smiled and walked out of the room. I followed her and Fuyumi to the dining room.

Hawks' POV

Yumi's quirk works where she needs the person's name to teleport to the them. I paced around my room, trying to call her, but she wouldn't pick up. I threw my phone on my bed in frustration right before I heard something behind me.

I turned around with surprise and saw Yumi. She looked mad. "What happened, Yumi?"

Yumi sat on the foot of Touya's bed and burried her face in her hands. "FUCK!"

I walked up to her, stopping right in front of her. "Yumi! Answer me!"

She looked up at me, now having tears in her eyes. "She tried to do something to Mio!"

I paused. "Wait... Your girlfriend? Mio Eguchi?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Mio wouldn't tell me exactly what happened. She just mentioned Todoroki's friend."

I sighed and sat next to her. "I um... haven't told you this... but she didn't just make me feel uncomfortable..."

She looked at me. "What did she do to you?"

I shook my head. "No. She didn't actually do anything. She just tried. But- maybe I'm overreacting."

I stood up but Yumi grabbed my wrist. "Hawks. Don't. You aren't overreacting."

She stood up and faced me. "I am going to make sure you and Mio aren't ignored! I am going to punish her!"

I sighed. "Yumi. Don't. It's not a big deal. Mio can do something if she wants but don't push her into it. I don't want Todoroki to hate me more than he does."

I stared at her for a second but my eyes widened in shock when Yumi slapped me. She grabbed my face and got closer, not kissing me. "SHUT UP, HAWKS! DON'T SAY IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL!" She let go of my face. "I won't do anything if you don't want me to. But don't you ever say that it isn't a big deal. I'll tell Mio that I'll always be on her side and I'll help her through everything. But... I won't bring you into it."

Yumi walked passed me and opened the door, walking out.

I stood there silently, and sighed. Maybe she was right. I should do something about it. What if she goes after Todoroki? But... nevermind. He wouldn't want me getting into his business. It's... not like we're friends. Right?

Mio's POV

I wiped away my tears, looking in the mirror when I heard the door open. Yumi was back. I walked into the room and closed the door. I hung my head low and Yumi stood in front of me. "I... told you not to do anything."

I heard her sigh. "I'm sorry that I made you upset. But I'm not sorry that I punched Ito." She put her hands on my shoulders and I looked up at her. She looked at me with a sorrowful face. "I talked to Hawks about it. He was one of her victims. She tried to do something to him but... it didn't work. He doesn't want to be dragged into it. But if you are okay with it..." She squeezed my shoulders. "I want to make sure that she doesn't try to do that to ANYONE else. Hawks said that he was 12 when she tried that. Imagine how many people she has traumatized!"

I swallowed. But it felt like there was a lump in my throat. "Okay. Let's do it."

She smiled softly at me. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips before hugging me. "I love you, Mio."

I hugged her back tightly. "I love you too, Yumi!"

Touya's POV

I sat on my bed, silently folding some clothes and putting them back in the suitcase. We were going back to the boarding school today. We had to leave early since it was a long way to go. I heard someone knock on my door and I yelled for them to come in.

I looked up at Akane when she walked in. She closed the door and walked up to me. She stood in front of me, looking nervous. "Hey um... can I tell you something?"

I nodded. But then she sighed. "Can you... take a break from that?"

I stopped and looked at her. "What?"

She took in a deep breath before speaking. "I um... I've liked you for a long time, Touya!"

My eyes widened. "What?"

She smiled. "Yeah. Do you... like me back?"

I swallowed. Maybe... this is what I'm supposed to do. Maybe this is my escape. I should... say yes. Stood up and looked at her. I took a deep breath and then kissed her. (This hurts to write. I just squeezed my eyes shut and leaned back in pain! I'm sorry but I have to do this! You wouldn't understand!)

She gasped against my lips before kissing me back. I kept my eyes shut and held her cheeks. Then I leaned back and put my hands next to me. She smiled at me. "Does... that mean we're together."

I silently sighed and nodded my head. "Yes. It does."

She bit her lip in a smile and then left the room. I turned back to my stuff and continued to pack, still feeling my first kiss on my lips.

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