Caged Bird

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Hawks' POV

I went back to bed. Sad and confused. Why did he treat me like that? The rest of the break was very awkward and Touya ignored me. He acted as if I betrayed him. I don't know what happened. Fuyumi and Natsuo treated me normally... but Touya wouldn't look at me.

We got back to school and it was weird. There was a whole new floor. They were adding another building to the school so they could have more students. That's why they needed another floor. They use someone's quirk to make it fast.

Me and Touya got into the dorm room and unpacked our stuff. I put my clothes into my dresser as I looked over at Touya. He had a straight face while he unpacked his things. But he didn't look at me.

I looked back at the dresser. What did I do?

Touya's POV

I noticed Hawks looking at me from the corner of his eye. But I ignored him. I couldn't let him know that I still cared. It's dangerous. Especially if dad finds out.

After we both got our stuff unpacked, we just sat on our beds and did whatever. I laid down on my side, looking away from Hawks. He was leaning back, using his phone. I tried to fall asleep. But I couldn't I heard Hawks get up off the bed and go into the bathroom.

Hawks' POV

Later that day, I decided to go to the cafeteria and get some food. While I was in the courtyard, on my way to the cafeteria, I saw those kids. The ones that had been bullying me. The girl with the reptilian skin came up to me. "Well well well. Where's your savior? I don't see him around?"

I tried to ignore her but she kept following me. "I'm hungry. You should buy me some food."

I kept trying to ignore her but then I felt her grab the back of my shirt.

Touya's POV

I heard the door slam. I jolted upright and looked in the direction of the sound. I looked straight at Hawks. He had a black eye and a bloody nose. Oh god. I wanted to get up and see what happened but I stopped myself. I just laid back down and faced my back to him.

Hawks' POV

He didn't even care. What did I do to him?

I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Then I went to bed. I didn't talk to Touya the rest of the night.

Touya's POV

I finally fell asleep after a good amount of time. I had already heard Hawks start lightly snoring.

After a little while, I woke up to the sound of someone moving around a lot. I turned around to look at Hawks. He looked like he was having a nightmare. I sat up and walked towards him. But then I stopped myself. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to get attached again. I layed back down and tried to go back to sleep. But right before I closed my eyes, I said something quietly to him. Maybe it was to put my mind at ease. But I don't know. I just said it. And then I went to sleep.

Hawks' POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a forest. It was beautiful! The trees were so green. I turned around and spun in a circle, looking at all of the birds and animals. I looked up at the trees. They were so big! I so all kinds of birds and animals. I looked down in front of me. There was a deer. I turned and saw a fox. It was so pretty. I let my wings spread.

I then took flight and flew to the top of the tallest tree. There, I saw a family of birds. They were happy. I looked around me and saw the whole forest. I have always loved nature!

I went down to the ground and landed in the spot that I was originally standing. But then everything faded to black. I looked around in confusion when a bird cage appeared around me. I was trapped. I looked around the outside of the cage and called for help. But I saw nothing. I turned around and around like something would change. Until it did.

I saw people all around me. They were facing their backs to me. My mom, my dad... Touya. I saw Endeavor. And I saw my bullies. I saw all of them. They weren't moving. I reached out through the cage, towards Touya. "Touya! Help me!"

He didn't move. I looked to my mom. "Mom! Please." She didn't budge. I looked at Endeavor. He didn't move. It was like they couldn't hear me. Like they would just shut me out any chance they have... Like Touya did.

I sat down and then curled my legs up and put my head in my knees. I wrapped my head up and started to cry. I'm scared. I don't know what's going on.

I then felt a hand on my head. I looked up and saw Touya with his arm through the cage. I looked at him and he looked at me with a soft look. And then, right before everything disappeared, he mumbled something. It was very hard to hear. But I heard it. "I'm sorry Hawks. I'm sorry I can't be there for you anymore."

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I sat up and looked around the room. Touya was still sleeping with his back to me. I looked around the rest of the room. It was dark. Really dark. I sighed as I got up and headed to the bathroom. I need to stop expecting Touya to come back to me.

I have to accept that he doesn't want to be friends with me. Even if I never know why.

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