Two Different Worlds

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Touya's POV

I sat down at the table, avoiding Dad's gaze. I noticed that Fuyumi said something quietly to Akane before walked in. Probably the table rules. She did do the same with Hawks. Akane sat next to me and Fuyumi sat across from Dad.

I started to eat my food silently. Fuyumi had started cooking after the lady before left because of a back injury. As I ate, I imagined Hawks sitting next to me. Like he did last time I was here. I swallowed my food. But I felt pain in my chest. I miss him. I feel like a part of me is missing without him here. Why? Why him?

I looked at Akane because I noticed her staring at me. But when my eyes met hers, she looked away. I looked back at my food and continued to eat. I didn't look up when I heard Endeavor speak. "So, I see you aren't friends with Hawks anymore."

I nodded. He continued. "That's good."

I clenched my teeth but didn't respond.

Hawks' POV

I got back to my dorm from the cafeteria and sat on laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and sighed. I'm bored. I pulled out my phone and turned it on, holding it above my face. I went to my messages and clicked on Fumihiro's messages. I went to text him but then stopped myself. I went to click out of the messages but then my phone started ringing and Fumihiro's name popped on my screen.

I fumbled with the phone and it fell on my face. I sat up, making it fall on the bed. I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. It was a facetime. I blushed as I accepted the call. Fumihiro's face appeared on the screen. He was in a dark room, laying on his side. "Hey. I was bored."

I smiled and layed down. "Me too."

Touya's POV

I laid down in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I turned to my side and closed my eyes when I heard a knock on my door. I sat up and looked in that direction. The door opened and I saw Shoto look in. I smiled as he walked in.

He sat on the foot of my bed and I sat next to him. "What's up?"

He looked down at his hands. "I um... Ito makes me uncomfortable."

I sighed. "What happened?"

He held his hands together. "She just... weirds me out."

I looked forward. "She can do that. She did the same with Hawks." I looked at him and smiled. "Remember him?"

Shoto looked up at me. "Why aren't you friends with him anymore?"

I looked at his scar. It saddened and angered me. I sighed. "It's... complicated, Shoto."

He looked forward. "That's disappointing. I liked Hawks. He was nice."

I went silent. He's right. He was nice. I closed my eyes and breathed out through my nose. "I know Shoto. I know."

I then leaned back and got under my covers. "You should probably go back to your room before Dad catches you in here."

Shoto stood up and walked to the door before turning back and looking at me. "Goodnight Touya."

I smiled at him. "Goodnight Shoto."

Hawks' POV

I woke up to the sound of light snoring. I opened my eyes and saw that I was still on call with Fumihiro. I smiled as I looked at the phone. I could see his face sften more than it usually is. I looked at his eyelashes, his lips, his eyelids. His hair. But then my eyes drifted to Todoroki's bed. I swallowed as I looked back at Fumihiro, my smile already gone.

I ended the call and laid on my back, staring at the ceiling.

Touya's POV

I opened the door and looked inside. I saw a boy with big red wings. He smiled at me as he played a video game. I felt warm inside. Not many people ever smiled at me. This boy... this boy was different. He never asked about my nightmares. He comforted me. And I never asked about the one thing he wanted a secret more than once. This boy... was brilliant. This boy's name... was Hawks.

And I pushed this boy away. And I can't ever pull him back. Ever.

I woke up and opened my eyes, looking at the ceiling. What is my brain doing? Reminding me of how much of an asshole I am? How good of a person Hawks was? And how I pushed him away? Fuck.

Hawks' POV

I woke up and stared at the ceiling. I rubbed my eyes before sitting up and looking around. I looked towards Todoroki's bed. I smiled as I saw him sitting up, on his phone. I got up and went to the bathroom, getting changed, and walking back out. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out of the room, going to the next floor, Fumihiro's floor.

I stepped out of the elevator and walked through the hallway. I looked at the door numbers until I stopped in front of  272. I knocked on the door and smiled when it opened to reveal Fumihiro. I walked in and kissed him on the lips for a split second and then walked past him. I plopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling before speaking in a cheerful voice. "I love you, Fumihiro."

I heard him relpy. But it wasn't what I was expecting. "No you don't."

I sat up and looked at him, confused. But... the room from in front of me, to the wall was all gone. It was just darkness. And Fumihiro stood in that darkness with a twisted face. Colors all mixed around, his fingers were long and disgusting. His back was long and lanky and his bones were showing through his skin. His knees and elbows pointed out and his shins were skinny.

I crawled backward on the bed, afraid, while he continued to speak. "You don't love me. Not after that new kid came. But he doesn't even love you back!" He spoke in a demonic voice.

I tried to get words out but they caught in my throat and I realized I couldn't speak. Tears streamed down my face and the figure that was once Fumihiro stepped forward. "It's pathetic really. You won't even accept that you have feelings for him. But it wouldn't make a difference anyways. He already wants nothing to do with you, KEIGO TAKAMI! You are a useless piece of shit! You can't even settle for an amazing person like Fumihiro Hino! You keep thinking about Touya Todoroki... kissing you... feeling you... touching you... It's disgusting."

I shook my head. NO! I don't like Todoroki! I never have and never will! I don't think of those things! Those are aweful, disgusting, horrid things to imagine my roommate doing to me. But the thing put images into my head. Todoroki on top of me, kissing me, hands, on my naked waist, legs entertwined, his lips traveling down my chest. My hands tangled in his hair.

I shook my head again and finally managed to get those things out of my head. I finally spoke. "SHUT! UP!"

Everything went quiet and everything around me disappeared. I fell on the hard, dark ground. I could hear my breaths shake and tremble. I felt my tears run down my face and then fall onto the ground. I stared into the darkness, silently.

And then I woke up. I felt my head lay on a wet pillow with my cheeks soaked. I felt my phone vibrating. I turned my head and looked next to me. Someone was calling me. I picked my phone up and saw that it was Yumi. I haven't talked to her in a while. I answered the call, put the phone to my ear, and wiped my tears as I stared at my ceiling.

I heard Yumi's voice ring through my ears. "Hey, Hawks! Long time no talk! How's the hero course going?"

I yawned before I repsonded. "I'm the youngest one in my class but it's going fine I guess. Why are you calling now of all times?"

She spoke, her voice sounding distracted. "Yeah, um, I wanted to ask you something."

I examined the paint on the ceiling, finding myself very bored. "What is it?"

She took a second before responding, this time, very focussed on me. "What was that girl's name that you told me made you feel uncomfortable?"

I swallowed as I remembered that day before responding. "Akane Ito."

I heard her take in a deep breath before responding. "I'm gonna kill that bitch!"

I sat up in confusion. "What? Why?"

But before she answered my question, she hung up. I stared at my phone, confused. My heart then dropped when I remembered that her quirk was teleportation. She was gonna get herself in big trouble if she's serious about that!

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