Chapter 1 - Stay The Night

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It was 12:30am on a Saturday night at a local, musty, dive bar/nightclub in downtown Boston. You were out celebrating your best friend Rebecca's 25th birthday party.

Oddly enough, you would rather be at home studying for your finals. -- Not that you hated crowds or partying, the bar and club scene just wasn't for you. This was your last semester at Harvard University and you would finally be done with law school. You were fortunate to attend with the help of many scholarships and working your ass off. All of the hard work you put in throughout these years would eventually pay off.

You were forced to grow up faster than most people your age. So over the years, you learned that responsibilities and getting a great education were far more important than being out wasting away a weekend getting plastered. You were just there at the bar tonight because you genuinely loved your best friend.

Rebecca was like a sister to you and you have both always been there for one another. Plus, it was nice to break away from daily life and catch up with old friends for once. You had just gotten over a terrible break up with an abusive boyfriend, Ryan of 4 years a couple of months ago and suffered in silence with the emotional and physical pain he had caused you. Tonight, you wanted to get your mind off of things and let loose. You deserved it.

You've had your share of club bull crap for the night though. Between having drinks spilt on you, getting hit on by flirtatious unwanted drunk strangers, and being vomited on by a random person earlier on in the evening, you just wanted to go home to your cat Miles, drink a bold cup of hot coffee and study on your cozy bed under your fluffy sheets.

Your feet were killing you. (Of course, I would wear stilettos to a party then we end up at bar.... I should have worn more comfortable shoes.) You thought to yourself.

You felt a bit tipsy and had a slight headache from all the noise going on around you. A local live band was performing on the small stage and your friends were rocking out. These friends were a mixture of the kids you and Rebecca both grew up with in grade school and some you met in college or worked with.

The group consisted of you,

Crystal - an old co worker who waited tables with you.

Stephen - one of Rebecca's classmates she met in college.

Rebecca - your best friend since you were in grade school.

Lisa - a friend of yours and Rebecca's who grew up with the both of you.

Gigi - an English girl who attended the same college.

Rebecca had a couple of her other work friends joining her birthday celebrations tonight. But you didn't know them like you knew your mutuals.

The smell of alcohol and smoke filled the air of the packed club. Loud chatter, yells, and music rang in your ears. The flashing neon lights were giving you a headache.

Some people were in a mosh pit. One of them ran right into you slurring words you could not understand. You pushed them away. At that moment, a fist fight broke out right in front of you.

You couldn't take it anymore and needed a breath of fresh air. Signaling over to Rebecca, you told her that you would be outside. She smiled and put a thumbs up in the air while the friends around her were dancing.

You headed outside and the smell of the wet air and moisture was refreshing. It was drizzling and a bit chilly out so you got under a canopy around the side of the building near a dumpster. Putting your back up against the brick wall, you let out a deep sigh and closed your eyes. Hearing the muffled sounds of the music pulsating though the building as you focused on your steady breathing.

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