Chapter 10 - The Beach Day

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The next morning, Billie Joe left a hand written note on the kitchen island with a cup of coffee next to it, some money, and a set of keys. One for the house and the other....a car, it was easy to find the car because the keys were for a BMW and he only had 2 of those in the garage. The majority of his cars were either a Chevy or Ford.

His note read:

"Have fun at the farmers market, I'll see you at the beach, baby. xo Billie Joe."

His handwriting was so cute.

You put on your oversized sunglasses, sun hat, and got in the car to drive over to meet Anna at the local farmers market.

The farmers market had all types of local vendors and small business booths. Anna was telling you about the different types of events the city of Oakland has throughout the year and how she loved the arts and crafts ones.

You had a canvas market bag full of fruits and vegetables. Excited to go home and prep dinner for Billie Joe after the beach.

"y/n!" you heard a female voice call your name.

It was Adrienne. You saw her beautiful face and dark dreadlocks up in a messy bun. Though she was wearing sunglasses to most likely blend in, she still stuck out. She walked up to you and Anna and gave the both of you a hug.

"Hey, I had to come by and say hello.....I was shopping with my step kids and Jakob." She had the most beautiful smile. What a beautiful woman.

There was a younger girl with her, probably around 14 years old. And a boy probably a couple of years younger than Jakob. Brad's kids for sure. They looked just like their dad. Blue eyes and dark blonde hair. Jakob waved to you and you smiled. He hugged his auntie. Anna hugged Brad's kids.

You chatted for a bit and after a while, Adrienne had to get going so she excused herself.

"Come by the store sometime." She said giving you a business card.

The card read "Atomic Garden" it had the address and phone number.

"I certainly will." You said smiling and gave her a hug goodbye.

After spending most of the morning with Anna, you headed back home to drop the fresh fruits and vegetables off.

You opened the front door and the dogs barked excitedly. "Hey boys!" You said. Opening the sliding glass door to the backyard to let them out. You put the groceries away and went upstairs to get your swimsuit on.

You had no idea how to get around Oakland so you called Billie Joe hoping he would answer for the directions to the beach. He answered and gave you directions as best he could. He told you they were near the pier and you would notice Tre Cool's giant unicorn floatie and leopard print umbrella.

You entered the address of a nearby shop near the beach he was telling you about into your phone's GPS in case you forgot the directions.

7 minutes away.

Once you got to the beach, the smell of the ocean intoxicated you. The way the sun was shining felt amazing on your skin. The palm trees swayed in the breeze. The sounds of the ocean waves put you in a state of ultimate trance and relaxation.

You saw the umbrella Billie was talking about and a giant unicorn floatie inside of the water and chuckled to yourself.  Mickey and Sara were on the floatie with Brixton and Ryan.

"Hi Britney." You said putting your beach bag down next to her.

"Oh hey, you!" she smiled. "Happy you could make it."

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