Chapter 9 - Oakland

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After leaving the airport, you and Billie walked over to his car that was parked in long term parking. It was a gorgeous 1963 red convertible Chevy Nova SS with black leather seats.

He opened the passenger door for you and put your suitcases and his guitar in the trunk before taking off. You held the cat carrier on your lap. Miles was so good during the trip.

Billie Joe took the back roads so you can take in the scenery. Oakland was naturally beautiful. The California sun felt amazing. The palm trees were incredible and lots of small businesses spread around the buzzing streets. Throughout the ride, he pointed out different landmarks, small businesses, and shared stories with you.

"My house is up this hill over here." Billie Joe said pointing over.

As the car drove uphill along the woody winding road, surrounded by tall oak trees and huge elaborate homes, the view was impeccable. You could see all across the valley into the bay area.

Billie had his arm on the seat behind you and he would play with your hair or massage your scalp every once in a while while his other hand was on the steering wheel. Drumming beats on the steering wheel with the music playing lowly.

He looked over at you and smiled. You blushed.

This was going to be your new home. All the way across the country. What an exhilarating and scary feeling.

He pulled up into his long and secluded forest like driveway and parked the car.

"You don't put your car in the garage?" You asked.

"My garage is full of cars." He said chuckling. He opened it with a remote on his key to show you.

He had a whole collection of classic cars inside of his huge garage. These cars were immaculate, showroom quality. He also had a couple of motorcycles parked on the side near the wall and a bicycle hanging on a wall mount. Along with several surf boards. He had 2 other classic cars in the driveway.

"These are all yours?" You asked.

"Yeah from over the years." He said.
"I'll take you for a ride later in whichever one you choose....come on, let's go inside."

He grabs the suitcases and his guitar from the car. You take Miles in the pet carrier.

The front door is huge. There's lots of plants surrounding the entrance. A Ring doorbell, and security cameras around the property. He opens the door and you're welcomed by Lenny and a couple of other doggies.

Miles hisses.

"We can put Miles upstairs, follow me."

Billie Joe brought the cat carrier upstairs and let Miles out to explore. The dogs had a gate at the bottom of the stairs so they couldn't go up to bother Miles. He was sniffing around to get acquainted with his new surroundings.

(This house is enormous.) You think to yourself looking around.

"I'll give you a quick tour since we're already up here. Is that okay with you?" Billie asks.

"Yeah that sounds great." You said looking around in awe.

"Follow me." He said smiling. Like a wide eyed kid excited to show something.

"Here's our bedroom." He opens the door to a huge master bedroom with a connecting bathroom. The bedroom was literally the size of your whole apartment in Boston. The furniture looked so expensive, elegant, custom, and well built. The California king sized bed looked welcoming and cozy with fancy bedding and large pillows.

Our bedroom. You noted. Smiling.

He took your hand and walked you over to the room across the hall. "This is the guestroom. Jakob and Joey sleep in here whenever they spend the night. If you ever feel uncomfortable or don't want to share a bed with me for any reason, you can sleep in here."

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