Chapter 26 - The Delivery

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The day of the planned cesarean came quickly and you were extremely nervous. You and Billie Joe drove to the hospital in the black convertible Chevy. The morning was sunny and the skies were blue. You enjoyed feeling the fresh breeze through your hair as you both cruised down the streets of Oakland.

"You're going to do great y'know." he said holding your hand. "Don't be nervous. You're stronger than you think y/n. And I'm going to be here every step of the way okay? I promise." He kissed your hand sweetly.

You both walked into the hospital, Billie had you sit in a wheelchair as he brought you over to the hospital desk to check in. They brought you into an operating theatre for your caesarean. The nurses gave you a hospital gown and had you go into a changing room. They put your personal belongings away. The nurses then had you get onto the operating table and they put in an IV for fluids and medicine, a catheter, and the doctor injected the local anesthesia.

They had Billie Joe put on hospital scrubs for sanitary reasons.

You saw the surgical tools on the table laid out. You nervously grabbed Billie's hand.

"It's ok baby." he kissed your head.

"We're going to operate now." The doctor announced.

You didn't feel any pain during the entire procedure but you felt a lot of pulling and pressure sensations. You were numbed from the waist down so you were awake to see and hear everything. A little drugged from the medicine but you were there.

There was a drape separating the surgery and the both of you.

"You're doing great y/n keep going."
Billie said holding your hand. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You started to cry. You were emotional.

He rubbed your hand with his thumb and squeezed.

"You've got this. Hang in there baby."

Suddenly you heard the baby crying.

"She's out! Here she is." The doctor said. "Dad, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

"Yeah!" he said excitedly. They showed him where to cut. They had Billie Joe follow them and took the baby to get cleaned up.

"Mr. Armstrong, you're going to be the first to snuggle her so you can bring her over to mom."

They handed the baby over to him and  Billie Joe held her in his arms.

"Oh my god!" he said crying. "Hi Lillie Belle, welcome to the world. I'm your dad."

"Congratulations." The doctor said.

Billie Joe brought her over to you so you could hold her. You held your baby. Billie looked so proud. His eyes were full of tears. "She's beautiful y/n." He whispered. "You did great job. I knew you could."

She was so precious. So perfect. She had a head full of hair and gorgeous green eyes just like her Daddy. Finally after 9 long months you got to hold your sweet bundle of joy.

"My rainbow baby. Mommy loves you so much." You held her for skin to skin contact for several minutes. 

The whole c-section process took about 45 minutes. The doctor stitched up your uterus and closed the incision in your abdomen. Your placenta was removed. And everything went well, no complications.

The doctor took a photo with Billie's phone of the two of you together with the baby.

"Here you go, for your memory book." She said.

The next thing you remembered is being brought to your hospital room where you would stay to recover for a couple of days. 

You felt yourself being a bit shaky.

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