Chapter 15 - A Curious Encounter

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You arrive back in Oakland a week later from your trip to Cabo with Billie Joe. It's a rainy, foggy day. Jakob's home in the studio working on some music with his band mates.

Lenny and Miles have been getting loves all day. You and Billie Joe were sprawled over each other watching TV on the living room couch.

Adrienne calls you.

Why is she calling me?

"Hello Adrienne." you answer

"Hey hun, you think I can come over?" She asked.

You could hear sadness and a bit of panic in her voice.

You paused for a bit and glanced over at Billie Joe who was rubbing your feet while also hooked on what was playing on the television. His eyes squinty as he chuckled at the scene playing on the screen.

"Yes of course." you said.

"Be there in a bit." she said.

"Adrienne's coming over." You told Billie Joe.

"Great, can't wait to see her." He says sarcastically.

"Be nice." you said giggling.

"I am nice." he said slapping your butt as you got up.

Jakob comes out of the home studio and catches you guys playing around. He smiles.

"We're gonna go meet up with Joey. I'll be home later." He said.

The boys say their goodbyes and head out.

"You want to have a quickie in the studio?" Billie Joe asks.

"Babe, Adrienne's on her way. Maybe later?"

He playfully pouts.

The doorbell rings and you answer it. Adrienne puts her umbrella and rain boots in the mud room.

Billie Joe just got done making a pot of coffee. He offers it to you and Adrienne.

"No thank you, I have my tea." she says.

He hands you a cup.

"Thank you." You said to him.

Billie goes outside to smoke a bowl under the patio and facetime with Mike. Mike had some new ideas for Oakland Coffee merch.

You and Adrienne are in the living room talking on the couch.

"Y/N..thanks for having me over. Brad and I are taking a break. I'm heartbroken but it's just not working out right now. He agreed we would both see a couples counselor together. He um....caught me sleeping around."

You try to act surprised because you remembered Jakob telling his dad about catching her in the act with some remodeling guy.

"And this isn't the first time it happened either." she continues. "I slept with his brother too."

"Adrienne, why are you telling me this?" You asked.

"I don't really have anyone to talk to about it...I co own Atomic Garden with my best friend, Jamie. I can usually tell her everything. But I feel with this, she will judge the shit out of me. I'm a good people reader and I know you're a good person."

"I'm far from it." you said chuckling.

"But you won't judge me." She said quietly.

You looked at her and understood what she meant.

"Adrienne, I'm so sorry. Did you guys talk about it?"

"Yes and he's willing to take me back but I need a break from him to rediscover myself. I don't know what I want in my life anymore. I thought I wanted a life with Bradley but he's never home. We are engaged and going to get married soon maybe I'm just getting cold feet."

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