Chapter 17 - Love

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You made a late night home cooked dinner for you and Billie Joe after coming back home from Otis. He always loved when you cooked.

"Babe, this is fucking delicious." he said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I baked some brownies too if you want to have some - not weed brownies." You said giggling, placing a platter on the table.

"Oh fuck yeah!....yes please." he said digging in. "Uhhhh babe, you're gonna make me fat y'know?" He said tapping both hands on his tummy.

"And I'd still love you." you said chuckling putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"You're amazing. Thank you." He was so content.

"Come here." He said.

He sat you on his lap.

"I'm so thankful for you y/n. You make me so fucking happy."

"You're the sunshine of my life Billie Joe." You said caressing his face and planting soft kisses all over in between talking. "I love you for everything you are. Thank you for the joy you bring into my life."

You hesitated a bit to tell him about you breaking down earlier. But you decided that you wanted to tell him.

"Babe, I had a rough afternoon." You said after chewing your brownie. "I cried a lot and took a nap.....I was so emotionally drained. I'm sad about the loss of our baby. I wonder what he or she would look like....Adrienne's belly looks so cute. And I'm so jealous, Billie. I'm fucking jealous she's able to carry her healthy living baby and my body wasn't strong enough to carry our baby." You sobbed in his arms.

"Baby, I appreciate you for working so hard. Carrying our baby for the time you did. I love you more than you will ever know."

He put your loose stand of hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead.

"You're the only person I want to talk to when I'm having a bad day." You said leaving trails of kisses on his neck. And running your fingers through his hair. "Thanks for always making me feel better. I feel so safe in your arms.....thank you for choosing me."

"Thank you for choosing me to have a baby with." He said. His green eyes looking into yours. "You want to keep trying?... .y'know, when you're ready. If you're uhh not already pregnant." He asked with a smirk looking into your eyes.

"Yes." You said. "I want your baby Billie Joe Armstrong."

You both made out and christened the guest bedroom downstairs making slow, sweet, incredible love for hours.

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