Chapter 27 - Perfect Partners

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You naturally dropped your baby weight within 3 weeks. The doctor did an amazing job on your c-section. The scar wasn't 100% healed yet but it looked great. Once it would heal, it wouldn't even be noticeable because it was right on your bikini line.

You missed being pregnant but you were happy to not have to go through the emotions and cravings anymore. Plus, you were able to put your shoes on without problems, wear high heels, and fit into your clothes. No more sweatpants, you could finally wear normal jeans and cute clothes again. You were still a bit in pain since you were still in the process of recovering from the csection.

Billie Joe was such a great help. The perfect partner and an amazing dad. You would pump the milk on the couch or nursery rocking chair and he would help put it in the freezer pouches to store them for future use.

You produced so much milk you would donate some to women and children shelters.

He would burp the baby, change diapers, clean around the house, let you sleep, he helped you get in and out of bed since you were still in pain.
He made sure that you didn't lift anything heavy. He gave you rides everywhere, attended all of your follow up appointments, he reminded you to take your vitamins, he would make meals and help do skin to skin with the baby.

You loved seeing him be a dad. He was such a natural. It turned you on so much.

The baby would sleep in the bassinet Adrienne had gifted you near the side of the bed in your room. You were both going to wait until she was a couple of weeks older to sleep in the nursery on her own.

One particular night, there was a bad storm. It was thundering and lighting out. The winds howling against the windows. The baby had kept you both up with minimal sleep. You weren't even able to take turns sleeping because her cries echoed throughout the house.

You tried burping her thinking she was gassy but no luck. She just cried and cried. She didn't want to eat, she didn't want to be rocked to sleep. She didn't want any sort of silly noises or play time.

For about 3 hours, you and Billie Joe tried to help her stop crying. You felt so defeated and started to cry. Since the baby was born, the both of you hadn't gotten much sleep. This was taking a toll on you and Billie.

"I'll be back, I'm going to take her to the nursery." He said.

Billie brought her in her nursery. You wiped your tears from your face wondering where in the world was this in the parenting book. Life doesn't give you a guidebook on parenting. Every baby is different. You and Billie were so sleep deprived.

You heard Billie Joe strumming the acoustic guitar. And the crying all of a sudden.....stopped.

You quietly walked into the nursery. Afraid of making her cry again but she was silent with her beautiful emerald green eyes bundled up against Billies lap as he sat on the floor sitting against the wall playing guitar. He played some made up songs about "Lillie not sleeping during a thunderstorm" and "the baby is crying and mom and dad want to sleep." And you quietly chuckled.

She fell asleep in his arms. He gave her a big kiss.

"You're a natural." You told him.

"I try." He said.

You both put her down in the bassinet in your room. She was fast asleep the rest of the night.

You both cuddle up next to each other. The heavy rain outside pattering on the glass of your bedroom porch.

You fall asleep in each others arms.

The next morning, you wake up and check on Lillie. She's in her bassinet quietly suckling on her fingers and wide eyed.

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