Chapter 19 - A New Life

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Months had passed and Ryan got 10 years in prison for breaking and entering your home and the murder of your unborn baby.

"Fuck our justice system!" Billie Joe said angrily. 10 fucking years? He gets to walk out a free man after 10 fucking years? Fuck him that's fucking bullshit. I'll fucking kill him myself."

"If he doesn't rot in prison, Karma will make sure he gets his." You said leaving the courtroom. Tears in your eyes.

Ryan had suffered a fractured skull, permanent life altering damages to the head and a broken nose from when Billie beat the shit out of him.

You and Billie Joe were trying for another baby. The doctor had given the okay saying it was safe to try again and that your body should be able to carry without complications.

You were getting worried that you weren't able to carry because 95% of the time you and Billie Joe had sex, he would ejaculate inside of you. In hopes you would get pregnant. But no positive test results. No baby news.

You were feeling symptoms for about a week and took a test.

No baby.

It was so frustrating.

Billie Joe found a doctor that would help with fertility. You did everything the doctor recommended to try to get pregnant. Monitoring your ovulation and taking prescriptions to help increase the chances of becoming pregnant.

Billie Joe even took supplements the doctor recommended.

But there was no baby.

It was a beautiful spring day and you, Sara, Adrienne, and Mickey were walking at the park. The birds were chirping, the sun was warm.

Adrienne looked pregnant as ever. She was about to have the baby in a couple of weeks. Things got better between her and Brad. They had gotten married at City Hall and had a small reception by the beach. She eventually had to announce to everyone that she was expecting a baby. Joey and Jakob were looking forward to it.

You and the girls were chatting on a park bench while Mickey played with the other kids on the playground

You would see moms and dads with baby strollers and baby carriers. You wanted so badly to have one of your own. You were lost in your thoughts when all of a sudden..

"I think my water broke!" Adrienne said. You looked over and water was dripping down her legs onto a puddle on the cement.

"I'll go take her to the hospital." You told Sara. "Come on, Adrienne." You said holding her hand sprinting over to the parking lot.

You buckled her in and told her it's going to be okay. "Just breathe." you said trying to help the best you can.
Starting up the car, and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Let's hope we don't get many red lights." She chuckled. "Go figure....I didn't expect this at all. He is 2 weeks early."

She called Bradley letting him know and he told her he would meet at the hospital with her overnight bag they packed together for the hospital stay.
He thanked you for driving her to the hospital and being there for Adrienne.

She started feeling some labor pains.

"Just breathe, Adrienne." you calmly reminded her. "Deep breaths ok? Let's breathe in....and out." You held her hand as she practiced breathing. She was squeezing hard.

You called Billie Joe through video chat to let him know you were going to be home later and to get dinner started.

"I'm driving Adrienne to the hospital right now. Her water just broke."

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