chapter 3

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"I hear voices whisper outside my room and I carefully open my eyes and notice that I'm back in the house in that room. I look around and noticed everything clean and beautiful. I must be dreaming again. The whispers getting louder outside, I hear the one of the voices belongs to my love, wait? My love? I carefully move out of the bed and tip toe quietly to the door and try to hear the conversation, luckily the door wasn't closed so I also could sneak a peak. I gasped quietly because I saw the back of the man  that possessed the angelic voice, broad shoulders, tall, brown hair, a bit long but still short, he was upset, I wanted to do something to comfort him, I felt his sadness."

 I tried to listen in, but at that moment he was about to turn to me and as every time, I woke up before I could see his face. Damn it. I was starting to get annoyed with this. Why was he sad? I need to know. This time the dream felt so vivid like it was happening right now and I felt this strong urge that I needed to find out what was up. I checked the time and it was only 1 o'clock in the morning? What the hell? I never woke up this late or this early depends on how you see it. I knew I couldn't fall asleep after this dream so I did the most stupid thing I could do. I got dressed, found my flash light and sneaked out.

I ran to the house as fast as I could, I didn't know why I was in hurry but I knew that I had to get there as fast as I could. When I finally arrived in front of the house I didn't give it a second even though it felt a bit different this time, I just fel that I needed to be here right now, that I needed to enter it. I got up to the front door and entered, I ran up the stairs with my flashlight and turned to right where I remembered seeing him. I was breathless at this time. I slowed down, everything was dark, I couldn't see anything my breath was shaking as I turned the flashlight on and pointed at the direction I remembered. I didn't know what I would expect to see.

As I pointed  the light in front of me, I didn't see anything. It was as empty as It's been every time I've visited this place. I didn't understand where I was until I took my first step. That's when it hit me. I was back in the house. I felt myself shiver. But not in a bad way. Two choices Cassie. Either continue or return.

After about five minutes of contemplating I decided to continue. I've already gotten this far. I can't turn back now. "one step at the time" I whispered to myself, my voice shaking. I started to move forward, hoping to see something or someone. It was pitch black. As I came closer to the door at the end I stopped. I saw a shadow behind me. Oh my god what am I doing. I stood still and waited to die. This is it. Stupid Cassie enters a dark house at night in the woods. Smart.

Before I could exhale the breath I had taken I felt someone touch my shoulder. I panicked, released the flashlight that went out the same time it hit the floor and ran for the stairs, though I didn't get that far because somewhere on my way in the dark I fell and hit my head and everything went black.

I woke up in a bed, the sun hitting my eyes. I didn't know where I was. I blinked a few times and reached for my head where it hurt. I looked around and noticed that I was in that same room that I've seen in my dreams. How did I get here? I tried to remember last night. Shit. I fell. But how did I get in this bed?, there was someone here! Oh my god. I panicked again. My flashlight was right beside me on the nightstand. How did it get there? I remembered releasing it when I ran? I got up and began tip toeing to the door as quite as I could.

As I was about to walk out my phone started to buzz. Shit. It scared the hell out of me and I ran down the stairs and out through the front door. As I got out I picked up my phone and saw a lot of missed calls from my mom. I'm so dead.

I ran home as fast as I could, I knew I couldn't get out of this one, every lie I could come up with didn't really soothe the cause. I counted to three before I entered the door, I rehearsed my excuse about sleepwalking, I opened the front door  and began "Mom, look I'm..." I didn't even got to finish my sentence when she flew at me and started hugging me really tight.

"It doesn't matter, your safe, that's the only thing that matters, you're here" she mumbled between sobs. Shit. This was worse then getting yelled at. I hugged her back and kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again. Shit.

After about an hour she let me go, she blamed her self for not being home as much as she used to. She let me go to my room to get changed and went in to the kitchen to call in sick, to stay home with me today. Wow, I felt so bad right now. I never meant to worry her this much. My stomach turned in to so may knots, I felt guilty.

As I entered my room I noticed in the mirror that I was still wearing my pjs.. Didn't I get changed before I left?  I can't even remember, It all just went so fast. I pulled of my clothes and entered my shower. This is the only time I'm going to get a little time for myself to think cause knowing my mom she won't leave me alone at all today.

I closed my eyes a bit as the water poured down on me. I felt myself relax. I let my mind drift back to my dream. To the back of the man haunting my dreams. His voice. His sadness. " I miss you" the angelic voice whispers behind me and I open my eyes wide open. What the hell? Maybe I shouldn't be alone for a while. I got out, got dressed and found my mom on the couch in the living room. I brought a blanket with me and sat beside her. She hugged me and we watched friends marathon together until we both at some point drifted of to sleep.

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