Chapter 26

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Hello Everyone!  

I will begin by apologising for the long wait that I promised I would not have. I am surprised at how many of you are actually reading this story and it really warms my heart that you like it even though I know I have a lot of errors and weird meanings at places.. I can promise that I will TRY to update without any huge time gaps, It's been a lot lately and I haven't been able to priorities writing. I am thankful for all of you readers that are dedicated to this story and I hope to give you an ending soon!

Now without further babbling here is 26! I'm sorry its short and probably a bunch of errors! But I wanted to give you a chapter as soon as I could!

thank you guys!


I stood frozen in front of the two men and Gabriel. I looked at the man called Daniel... He was crawling towards me but I backed away frightened. Why did I call out his name? I don't know this man. I turned my gaze away from his as my tears were letting themselves known. I need to figure out what I am going to do.

"Do something?!" Daniel shouted catching my attention. He was pleading to the man Azazel referred to as the almighty. Why was that? Was he... oh. It dawned on me and suddenly I felt so ashamed of whatever wrong I have done.

"I am sorry son" The man sighed. "He cannot undo mine as I cannot undo his that is the deal"

"He is my son not yours" Gabriel spat from behind me on the verge of exploding. I spun around to be met by pitch black eyes consumed by fury.

"This is your entire fault you little bitch" Gabriel screamed as he leaped towards me. I closed my eyes unsure if I should let my fear protect me or let him just kill me. I felt so broken, left by the man I thought I loved for the purpose of what.

I was waiting for the impact but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see the back of a man and a woman. They have stepped in front of me and caught Gabriel. They pulled him away and held him down. They turned to look at me and a huge warm familiarity washed over me. From behind the man known as Gerard was approaching calmly. I looked as he nodded to the man and woman.

"I should have known you were involved" Gabriel laughed hysterically against the ground.

"Thank you, you know what to do" Gerard spoke calmly as I noticed Daniel looking in horror. My head was starting to hurt a lot; too much was being processed and memories with gaps were haunting my mind.

Daniel was all of sudden up and screaming and flapping his arms.

"They are the demons that took Cassandra in the first place and pretended to be her parents"

Daniel was marching up to Gerard with the same pitch black eyes as Gabriel. This is not good. I looked around for any other people to interrupt this but no one was coming. Didn't Daniel know who that was? I screamed out of worry but I don't know for whom.


It came out louder the expected. The attention I lost was back on me again. Damn it Cassie.

I turned to Gerard in fear and loss.

"I'm sorry but I can't stay... I can't do this, please forgive me" I whispered.

I turned and did the only thing I could. I let my instinct lead me and ran. 

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