Chapter 23

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Here is chapter 23!

Thank you all for reading!

Sorry for the errors <3


Days past by slowly... the library could only suffice for so long. Every day that went by I waited for him to come home, I sighed as I found myself on the stairs again starring at the giant door.

"Miss, it's time for lunch" Mia spoke from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not hungry Mia" I snapped at her unwillingly. My mood was getting worse the longer Azazel was away.

"I'm sorry Miss" Mia bowed at me and removed herself.

I was getting annoyed at myself and my behavior... I am not this grumpy person. My dreams haunted me... the dreams I use to have are gone... I can't even remember them; my current dreams of Azazel are becoming more vivid by the day... I miss him and I want him to come home.

"No luck today either" I whispered disappointed as I got up and dragged my feet back to my room. I have avoided the library for the past two days because these are the days my dreams of Azazel have been so intense. I closed my eyes reliving my dream of him being right next to me... me lying on his chest... him scratching my back lightly and I was happy... once in a while he would kiss my forehead and other times my lips. I smiled at my memories.

For every day that past, my dreams brought us closer and closer, I need him right now and I want him to come back. To come home.

I opened my eyes to be met by his intense gaze, he was right there, right in front of me. If I only reached a little bit I could touch him. I sighed and shook my head, my mind was playing tricks on me and I've had just about enough.

I can't keep dreaming about his touches and his kisses. I can't keep missing him like this. It's been five days since he left. He is all that I can think about and it hurts. How is this possible?

He was affecting my mind my being, everything around me and he wasn't even here. I got up out of the bed and moved to my closet. I'm done with all of this and I am leaving. I looked for anything resembling a suitcase. A tear slipped down my cheek. Am I really leaving him and all of this?

I found a duffle bag under the shoe rack and decided that it will do, the less I carry the easier it will be to leave. I know I won't be able slip out of here unnoticed... but there is a balcony in the library that I can open. That is my way out of this castle and out of this hell... is this my punishment? Is this my hell? I groaned at my stupidity of course this is my hell, for god sake he is the freaking DEVIL.

I packed my stuff carefully in the bag as my tears fell. I was sad and I was mad, how did I not figure this out before? He was playing me, he was worse than Gabriel.

GABRIEL! Oh god how can I have forgotten about him. He wanted me dead! But why?

I stopped my packing and tried to think... why did Gabriel want me dead?

A soft knock came from my door and I sighed.

"Come in" I called as I kept packing my stuff. Did Azazel go to Gabriel?

"Miss I have dinner with me... Master insists you eat while he's gone" She spoke with a shaky voice. Damn it, I've made her fear me and that wasn't my intention.

Nevertheless I laughed darkly at her master. Why is he insisting on feeding me if this is supposed to be my hell?

I waved my hand to my nightstand as I shook my head laughing like a crazy person. She followed my movement, put down my food and left the room in a hurry. I didn't even bother to thank her. I was going mad right now.


I finally finished my packing and noticed the darkness outside. I yawned as I stretched my body. If I'm going to run, I need to be well rested. I placed my bag by the door and moved to my bed. I need to get some sleep; another yawn escaped my lips as I finally reached my bed.

"Goodbye Azazel" I whispered as I let myself drift off to sleep.


"I'm leaving" I whispered in to his chest as he scratched my back. He stopped. I buried my head deeper in to his chest as I couldn't bear to look him in the eyes.

"Why?" his voice cracked. My tears spilled.

"I can't keep waiting on you... It hurts too much" I whispered as I removed my head from his chest.

"But I am right here" He breathed out next to my ear. I felt his hand move from hip to my heart.

"Right here" he whispered. He pulled me in to him and placed his head in the crook of my neck. I sighed at the bliss feeling that lasted only a second before my sadness caught up to me.

"you will be gone when I wake up" I spoke, tears clear in my voice.

I heard him whisper a faint "NO" as I opened my eyes. This is so unfair. What time is it?

I moved to reach for the clock on the nightstand when a huge arm grasped my waist and pulled me in towards a chest. Panic rose in me and I was about to scream when I heard the voice mumble.

"5 days too long" Azazel mumbled against my hair. Oh my god is he really here? With me? I pinched myself on the arm and an "ouch" escaped my lips. Azazel chuckled behind me.

"I am right here... but it's good to know that you have dreamed of me" He replied at my ouch with his sweet angelic voice. I turned around in his arms to be met by his sleeping face. I smiled as my fingers found his cheeks. There was something so intimate about this yet so innocent. I moved my head up as I felt his grasp getting tighter. I pecked him on the lips before digging my head in to the crook of his neck and fell soundly a sleep with a content smile. 

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