Chapter 28

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Sorry for the late chapter and for the errors!

Hope you like it!


As I walked in through the door I was met by a cold breeze, a shiver went through my body but I decided to ignore that. The hall was a bit dark but I could see the light hit what I think must be the living room. There was no sound at all except my own breathing. I know I should be scared walking in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods but I had no fear in me, I felt safe in a way I could not explain.

I walked around the first floor hoping to find something familiar, something that could give me a clue as to where I am supposed to go next or what I am suppose to do at all. As I walked past the mirror in the hall my reflection caught my eye. It was me in the mirror but I looked different. I was dressed different. I moved closer as my reflection did not mimic my move. Am I losing my mind? Am I slowly going insane? I moved the tip of my fingers to touch when a sudden laughter of a child passed behind me. I froze in my place and the mirror reflection returned to me.

"Come find me" A sweet little voice was calling.

Oh god I was starting to feel like I was stuck in a sad horror movie. I hate horror movies with little children. Yeah Cassie that is exactly what you should think about now. I scolded myself as I noticed the sun was gone and it was dark. I felt my fear creeping up.

"I'm right here!" The sweet little angelic voice singed as it passed me really close.

It was to dark for me to see but right now I knew I have two choices. Follow the voice or run. I contemplated my options when the voice called my name.

"Cassie common" The little voice laughed.

Maybe this is the sign I have been looking for. Maybe this is my key to open up whatever hidden memory I cannot conjure up. Maybe this will solve everything? Hope was my only friend right now and I had to follow to find out.

I found some matches and a candle by the mirror, Cassie be brave, I chanted to myself. the only person you can always count on is yourself and the best support is you. Talking to myself might be weird but it calms my nerves at the moment. I lit the candle and moved to the living room again.

There was a light sound of a music box close by. It was playing the melody of a song I loved. I started to hum along the melody as I followed the sound. I reached a little table beside a couch when I saw a little box and instinctively put my hand around my neck. Something is missing. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what I am missing and what is so familiar with this box!

The laughter of the little boy kept haunting me. Is it real or is my mind playing tricks on me? what if I am only going crazy? I sighed in my despair when a loud thump came from upstairs.

I am not alone in here. I held on to the box as I felt some belonging, a sigh escaped as I moved to the stairs and looked up the dark path. I am not afraid and I have nothing to be afraid of. I took a deep breath before I took my first step.

"My sign could not have been in some happy and light place that looked like a rainbow or something" I murmured to myself in a mocking voice to keep my fear at bay.

AsI reached the top I was met by dead silence. I looked to my left and right to remember where I heard the the noise from. The door to the left cracked open a little and I knew that was my next sign.

"You couldn't make it less scary could ya" I spoke up to no one but I figure these signs must come from somewhere.

I shook my head as I let a nervous laugh out. I was talking to no one in an abandon house maybe I am crazy I just have not admitted it yet.

I moved to the door and opened it. I moved my candle around as I noticed a few mores candles in the room. I could not really see the room so I lit the candles.

When I lit the last one I turned around and I stopped breathing for a second. I know this room. I know it so well. My heart was beating fast and hard as my mind was looking for a memory. Home. Was the only word I could think of.

I moved to a loose floor board that I knew exactly where it was. I opened it to be met by nothing. A box. I could remember a box that should be here. I reached for my neck again. A key. Thats what I had.

A smile was creeping up as I was remembering and tears were letting themselves known. I was relaxing a bit as a little chuckle came from behind me. I turned to see a little boy. He was beautiful. I think he was 3 maybe four years? its a bit too dark to make out the age. What caught my eye was his eyes. The piercing blue eyes. His hair was dark brown and he looked so familiar.

"Come find me Cassie" He singed with his beautiful angelic voice before he turned and ran in to the darkness.

My heart dropped and I got up to my feet. I let out a "NO" as I followed the boy out.

"Hey little guy where are you?" I tried asking a bit nervously.

The only response I got was a laughter coming from down stairs. well its better then nothing.

I followed the voice in to the darkness. I should have brought a candle with me.

"Stupid Cassie" I murmured out aloud.

The little boy laughed at my comment as he ran pass me.

"No Wait!" I shouted after him.

"Common Cassie" He called for me.

I followed with my ears and bumped in to a lot of stuff and corners. Damnit I'm going to bruise a lot tomorrow.

The boy ran up the stairs and stood in front of the room with the lit candles. He was smiling and looking at me. I sat down on the top of the stairs not to scare him away. I could see him clearly and my heart was beating fast again.

"Who are you?" I asked with a whisper.

He looked me in the eyes as he tilted his head to his left.

"You know who I am Cassie you must know" The angelic voice was getting upset.

The sniffling sound was making my heart ache. He was turning slowly around to run again. He was turning towards the room so he could really not get that far.

"I am sorry" I spoke as I ran after him to the room.

He stood in front of a wall a bit scary yet I was not scared.

"You are making me disappear" He whispered to me as he was indeed disappearing.

"No, please don't" I pleaded in fear of losing him.

" Remember me" He pleaded as he was vanishing in front of me.

I closed my eyes as my tears were running down my cheeks. REMEMBER CASSIE. I screamed to myself in my head. A word was appearing in my mind. Wait. Not a word a name. His name. Daniel.

I opened my eyes as I looked at the last shadow of the little boy.

"DANIEL" I screamed as he disappeared with a smile.

" I remember" I whispered as I sat down on my knees defeated.

The candles around me blew out except one. I saw a shadow but did not bother to turn.

"My dear Cassandra" a sweet angelic voice called behind me as my breath hitched.

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