Chapter 30

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Sorry for the errors once again and thank you for reading!


Daniel opened the door and on the other side stood Gerard. I closed my eyes for a second as I let a huge sigh of relief escape me. I couldn't really pin point my fear as my mind was currently occupied by memories of Daniel and us. Gerard greeted us as he entered the house. I looked at Gerard more intensive as I couldn't really remember him or how I know him... I do know him but how?

"I see my dear that your memories have returned of Daniel" Gerard smiled, I nodded in response. "But you cannot remember how you know me, can you? " He asked.

"How do I know you when I don't remember you?" I asked confused.

"Your mind is remembering yours and Daniels life but your brain is remembering everything else" Gerard responded.

As Gerard took place in our couch two more people appeared behind him. A woman and a man that also looked very familiar. The woman smiled at me with tears in her eyes and I didn't know how to react. I nudged at Daniel as I was feeling a bit overwhelmed but I didn't know of what.

"Daniel and Cassandra please take seat and I will tell you everything as I know you have a lot of questions" Gerard spoke as he looked at me and then Daniel.

We sat down in front of him and I couldn't help to look at the man and woman occasionally. I felt angry, hurt and love? How is that possible? I shook my head, making the thoughts go away.

"What happened?" Daniel asked Gerard.

"It all started when your father wanted to come back. I couldn't bare a parent leaving a child or family behind so I told your father that he could come back if he could persuade you to join us as well. Your father was convinced that there would be no problem and returned to you but he didn't expect Cassandra." Gerard took a pause as he looked at me.

"Gabriel was so intent on getting back that your refusal turned him mad instead. We noticed a change in him and kept an eye on him. I saw everything Daniel." Gerard continued.

"So why didn't you do anything?!" Daniel spoke in a high voice.

"We cannot do anything until he actually breaks the law, our law" Gerard responded.

"Attempt of Death on human locks your soul away for an eternity" Daniel recited under his breath.

"That is correct; your father crossed the line when he took her. He didn't attempt murder until you refused him once more even if she was gone you wouldn't stop looking for her. That day my angels found her beaten and almost gone, they managed to save her" Gerard looked back at the woman and the man.

My heart stopped as I remembered the pain and when I looked up I remembered them. I started to hyperventilate as Daniel rubbed my back. My eyes widened more when I replayed the sentence Gerard spoke "My angels". I looked up at him and the first thought was OH MY... and I put my hand on my mouth.

Gerard chuckled and gave me a small wink.

"That mark is from me" Gerard continued.

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"We tried to follow Gabriel after his attempt but he disappeared. We tried everything to find him until we realized that he was helped by someone not bound by my words." Gerard sighed.

"I know Gabriel well and I know that he always needs to finish what he starts... I marked Cassandra to keep her safe and stopped her aging as we didn't know when Gabriel would come out and try again." Gerard Paused.

"I am remembering bits but there are still things in the unknown..." I muttered.

"Like what love?" Daniel asked and I looked at him.

"I have a blank period between meeting you" I looked at Gerard "and finding my way home" I replied.

"That I cannot help you with..." Gerard replied shaking his head.

My mind was going in overdrive as I was taking everything in.

"I am surprised of the strong love you have for each other though. I have never seen anything like this before" Gerard continued.

Daniel pulled me into him as my head relaxed on his chest.

"I have a proposal for you. Now that Gabriel is where he should be, you two have a choice to make. Would you like to join me and be my angels or would you like to have the human life you never had and live it out in peace?" Gerard asked.

The question took me by surprise and I looked at Daniel as he starred back at me. Right now I only knew that I wanted to be with him. 

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