Chapter 9

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Thank you so much for reading and following this story!! Means a lot!!

Here is another chapter... (SORRY FOR THE ERRORS!!) And I will try to update another one by tonight! Just because you are so awesome!!

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He sighed before he began...

"You and I were never destined to be together... Far from it... I am not like you..." Daniel paused and looked at me before he continued...

"My father is a fallen Angel... He fell from heaven when he fell in love with a human... My mother..." Daniels fist clenched when he mentioned his mother, she must have meant a lot to him... "But the love he fell for, didn't last long... A few years went by and my father started to resent my mother... He wanted back to heaven... He saw my mother as a curse... "Daniel continued as he held my gaze not letting my eyes fall from his.

"As my 18th birthday was closing up, my father got an offer from above... THEY were in need of angels... Warrior Angels to be exact... If my father was able to recruit me, he would get his wings back" I wanted to say something, anything right now, but I kept my mouth shut, I wanted him to continue.

"When he persuaded me to follow him and accept the offer, I declined. I was in love with you and I couldn't leave you. My father didn't know why I said no, but nevertheless he exploded... My mother had passed away a few months earlier and there was just me and him." I felt him take a deep breath... God he must miss his mother... Heck I miss his mother for him.

"My father couldn't force me to go with him as his proposal stated that I had to make it my own choice to follow..." Daniel sighed "My father started to slowly loose his mind... he was going insane" Daniel grazed my cheek with his palm... He was making sure I was calm...

"I expected my father to go mad but I never expected him to go sinister... The day you returned to me... so so many years ago... My father connected the dots... I feared he would... He finally understood why I didn't follow and believed you to be my doom" Daniel leaned his head against mine.

"He left the house right after you settled in... He told me I would regret it, but weeks went by and he never returned... I thought that it was all over, but I was wrong. That day I left to buy the..." His voice cracked and I remembered the letter he wrote... That day he left to buy me a ring... I took his hand in mine and squeezed it, assuring him that I wasn't going anywhere.

"I came back and you were gone, HE sat on the stairs with an evil smirk plastered on his face... I dropped everything I held and started to look for you" Daniel kissed my temple "I want to show you... Please don't be scared" I nodded at his words "Close your eyes" Daniel whispered and I did.

A moment went by before I found myself back at the house, in another century standing between Daniel and who I assumed to be his father. He looked like an older version of Daniel... so damn alike... Only age divides them. I froze as I noticed myself standing in front of them, they can see me?! But I got no reaction. I was invisible. I stepped aside and listened.


"No point in looking for her, she's gone" The older version of Daniel spoke. His Father.

"Where is she?! What did you do to her?!" Daniel shouted at him.

His father stood up and started to circulate around Daniel like a predator eying its prey.

"Your dear love is in heaven... exactly where we should be son" his father spoke.

"What do you mean heaven?!" Daniel was getting pissed.

His father laughed at him... he had a sinister laugh... I fear a man that laughs like that... aren't angels supposed to be more angelic? Then again he is a warrior angel... Is he...? No he can't be...

"Are you ready to leave now?" His father asked.

"NO! I'm not going anywhere without Cassandra" Daniel responded sternly. My heat clenched at his response.

"But she's already waiting for you up there" His father pointed up as he spoke.

"I don't believe you! You couldn't! They would never allow you back for that" Daniel responded calmly.

"Are you sure?" His father asked and that is when Daniel fell on his knees. Broken.

I wanted to reach out and make everything okay but I couldn't get close to him. I couldn't touch him. He was crying and I couldn't reach no matter how hard try, I wanted to be by his side.

"NOO!!" I scream and find myself back by his side, my unshed tears flooding. I looked up at him fearing my own voice "What happened after that?" I whispered.

"I didn't believe my father and I refused to follow him... He laughed and left me ... He told me I would break and soon I would follow him... and the he was gone" Daniel stared blankly ahead as if he was reliving that memory.

I don't know how to process all of this... I feel broken... I don't know what to think or what to believe... But as I gaze up at Daniel one thing was sure. I belong to him and he belongs to me and I will never leave his side.

One question remained though... What happened to me and why don't I remember any of this? How am I alive? 

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