Chapter 15

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Sorry for the short chapter and for the errors!

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"Not so tough now are you Cassandra?" Gabriel was mocking me. I couldn't see him but I could hear him. Damn it Daniel where are you?! I was silently pleading to God for help. Daniel must notice I'm gone? He must look for me?

"Oh dear but he isn't, see there's a pretty little demon in your place pretending to be you at this moment, and my son... well ... he's not the brightest man.. If he was.. I wouldn't be here right now.. And neither would you" He responded openly to my thought. How?! Can he read my mind? Can Daniel read my mind too?

Gabriel laughed mockingly, "No, dear I'm in your head... taunting you... I might not be able to touch you right now because of your protection but I can get in to your head and as soon as Azazel has figured out how to remove your protection, you are going to regret your little words" his voice got dark and a chill went down my spine.

I fought to open my eyes until I noticed they weren't closed. Gabriel was blocking my view. I started to punch the air when his evil laughter erupted again.

"What is it you want?" I screamed at him.

"To punish my son" He responded without any hesitation.

"Why now?" I asked, wondering why he waited for so long.

"I thought you were dead, I thought I had killed you, how are you alive?" He asked.

Wait what? His demons kept me alive? What is he talking about? He is the reason I am here?

My silence made Gabriel impatient, but I didn't have an answer as I believed he was the reason I was alive.

"What do you mean?? You are the reason I'm alive, or rather your two demons you sent to keep me alive" I spat at him. Was he playing games with me? I could feel him circling me and started to wave my hands again.

"Stand still" he ordered but I didn't listen, I didn't care.

"How can you read my mind?" I shouted as I covered my ears like kid, trying to keep him out of my head.

"I'm a fallen angel as I presume you already know. Daniel is an offspring, he's a nephilim and he can't read your mind if that is what you are wondering" He responded.

He got quite as I finally gave up and sat down on the ground, feeling defeated by the darkness. I tried to listen for him but the silence was to still. What was he doing? I began to crawl hoping to feel a wall or a door or anything because the empty darkness was starting to drive me insane but the floor never ended.

After a long while he began to mutter to himself and then he turned his attention to me.

"I did not send any demons after you, I thought I killed you Cassandra" He spoke calmly this time. "How are you alive? You should be dead? And if I didn't kill how come time didn't? You've been alive for over two centuries..." He was confused and so was I. I've been alive for over two centuries and just last week I was preparing mentally for my 18th birthday unknown to all of this.

"Then who are the people that pretended to be my parents?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I did not send them" he responded. He began to laugh out of nowhere like a crazy person "They kept you hidden and alive, but not anymore and not for long this time I will make the pain worse" he whispered.

"Oh I wish I could fear your words but I don't remember last time and I don't fear a fallen man as pathetic as you" I blurted out without thinking. Oh shit.

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