Chapter 27

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Sorry for the short chapter and sorry for the errors!

Hope you like the chapter!


My mind was a blurr, my emotions were running high and the adrenaline in my body was finally leaving me. I was slowing down as I noticed that my mind was not the only thing in a blurr but also my vision. I felt this weight on me pulling me down to the ground. Tears were running freely and I felt hopeless, Alone and done.

I had no idea where I was running to as I have nowhere to go. No one to turn to, why did I fight for my life so bad? My family! Do I have one? Why can't I remember? I screamed out aloud as I let my tears slide down my face.

"I wanna go home" I whispered to no one as my eye lids were getting heavy and my energy was disappearing. I curled in to a ball and fell asleep in the middle of the woods.

"Should we do something?" Someone was whispering from behind me.

Oh no I'm not alone I kept my eyes shut hoping they would just leave me there.

"No, we cannot just leave her like that" Someone else whispered right next to me, a female voice.

Fear was creeping in and I needed to keep it at bay as my guard will expose my awareness. I bit the inside of my lip and concentrated on the pain.

"You cannot let him close or he will pick her up immediately and run and we need to leave her here for now" The voice behind half whispered half screamed.

I heard heavy step from a far walking urgently. Damn it, whoever "he" is he is getting close.

"Go! stop him!" The voice behind me whispered.

"CASSANDRA" a high shout was coming from afar.

OH God.... Why do I recognize that voice? Why is it familiar? My heart was beating fast as if I should know who the person is and run to him.

"Is she still asleep?" someone else spoke next to the other person.

How may are they? I couldn't hear them or see them but I assume the other person just nodded. Why can't they just leave? Please go I pleaded in my mind.

"As you wish Cassandra, but remember that you are a fighter and a lot stronger than I thought" The voice got closer to my ear and I shivered "you will remember" he ended and I opened my eyes. How did he know?

I half expected the man who whispered to me to be standing in front of me but I was only met by the gray weather and a fog.

It was getting colder and my clothes were soaking from the wet ground. When did it rain? I got up and shook the leaves of. There was a determination in me telling my mind to follow my heart and my heart was telling me to go forward.

As I walked further I started to recognize the road I was on. I have been here before. I started humming to a song... I could not remember the lyrics but the song was enough to trigger my memory more. There is supposed to be a house here somewhere, I am so sure of that. Maybe that's my home?

I increased my step as the fog was disappearing. Will my parent's be there? Will I find my family? I smiled for the first time as I could not remember when I smiled last. I have hope again.

I started to run when I saw a sunray peek through. It's a sign! I ran towards the sunray as it became bigger and the sunset was shining bright. It was beautiful.

I turned around to see an old abandon house. It looked familiar. The porch was as beautiful as ever and the door was very welcoming as it cracked open by itself. I gave a big unsure sigh before I walked towards the door. 

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