Chapter 21

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Hello my sweet readers!! 

Heres comes another chapter!

So sorry for the errors <3


I just got sent to my room by the devil. BY THE FREAKING DEVIL. I was mad beyond comprehension. That's when it dawned on me. He can read my thoughts, great; this just made everything a lot more complicated. I groaned as I threw myself on the bed. What do I do now? My mind was the only safe haven I had here I sighed.

A knock came from my door and I called the person in, kindness was not in my nature right now so I didn't bother to look up at the person. My guess it's a maid but my stubbornness kept me starring at the ceiling. Frustration was an understatement at this point.

I waited for the person to speak but no words were spoken, I poked my head up to see who had entered when I felt my bed dip below my feet. A sigh escaped Azazels lips. What is he doing here? I wanted to scream and shout at him but I was too tired at this point.

I waited for him to speak or say something... But he just sat there quiet.

"Why did you help me get away from Gabriel?" I asked him as I looked up at his face.

"Do you want to go back to him?" He asked and a loud "NO" flew out of my mouth.

"You didn't deserve his wrath..." Azazel continued. I nodded as he spoke but I couldn't get one thing out of my mind, maybe it was a childish thing but I had to ask.

"Aren't you supposed to admire the wrath and evil happening to people... you are the devil?" the question sounded much better in my head I groaned.

I noticed Azazel wince a little at my question and I must have hit a sore spot.

"How about we get some food?" he asked, ignoring my question. My stomach roared in answer to his question. He rose up from the bed and headed to the door. A thought hit me as I watched his back move forward. Oh my god.

"YOU READ MY THOUGHTS WHEN I WAS WALKING BEHIND YOU BEFORE! YOU TURNED ON PURPOSE!" I shouted and he started to laugh, I picked up the closest pillow and threw it at him. The devil is a child.

I got up from the bed and moved to the door where he was bending over in laughter. I smirked at him and did the one thing I knew he would hate. I thought ASSHOLE loudly and that made him stop. In an instant he was in front of me, only inches apart, there was no trace of a smile or laughter on his face. I glared at him as he glared at me. I know I should know better than to piss the devil off... But my fear of him was gone. He inched closer to me and I felt my heart skipping beats. Think blank thoughts Cassie, I reminded myself as I kept his glare. He moved closer and I stood my ground. His eyes turned from a glare to a gaze. I held my breath in anticipation... I didn't know why though... His lips were so close... I closed my eyes unable to hold my glare and I felt a ghost of a kiss planted on my lips. I gasped as I opened my eyes; a shiver ran through me, I was alone.

I contemplated looking for him but my stomach rumbled in protest. Damn it I need food. That stupid As... I am not going to finish that thought. I can't believe he just left me here alone and hungry! I started to move my feet as I sulked and muttered. Where is the kitchen??

After an hour or two I finally found a room resembling a kitchen. It was empty... aren't there people working here? I looked around the empty kitchen when I saw a fridge. Bingo! I began moving towards it... smiling as I got closer..

"Miss there you are!" my maid Mia I think her name was stopped me. Oh No, so close, I wanted to cry, If I only reached out my hand an inch I would be able to touch the source of food.

"Come on miss I've been looking everywhere for you" Mia spoke stressed as she dragged me away from the fridge and out of the kitchen.

"Noo" I whined as I walked backwards. I turned to scold her for dragging me out but noticed how stressed and panicked she was.

"Mia, what's wrong?" I ask her, I am starting to worry about this woman.

"Master is expecting you in the dining hall, he has been waiting for hours and he is not pleased" she spoke hesitantly.

The master is not pleased? He was the one who left me! I got lost because of him and in a hungry state. The master will get a piece of my mind when I reach him. I was fuming as I began to walk in front of Mia. I heard her call for me trying to follow my steps but somehow without a thought I knew exactly which door he was hiding behind.

"I see you made it.." he spoke calmly with a hidden smile.

I was about to shout and scold him when I noticed the scenery. My mouth dropped open. The dining hall was beautiful and the dimmed light made it look so... cozy? Is that even the right word? My smell made me turn to the table with all the food. I began walking towards it like a predator eying my prey... Hypnotized by the food.

"You hungry?" Azazel whispered right by my ear. I turned fast enough for him to catch my waist. When had he walked up behind me? I kept his gaze and nodded. He smiled as he moved closer, our noses almost touching, something was clouding my judgment and I couldn't think clearly. I reached my arms up and put them around his neck. Something is wrong... something is missing... I can't put my finger on it... there is someone, a name... I closed my eyes trying to think but forgot all about it when a pair of lips crashed on mine.  

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