Chapter 5

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I arrived back home at some time late, judging by the darkness outside. It was a nice day out, it was nice to concentrate on Lis life and not minding my own. I had fun. I mentally thanked her again as I entered my house. "how was you day with Lis?" my mom asked from the kitchen. " oh as usual, active and on the move, you know Lis " I chuckled when I answered mom. I passed the mirror in the hall without any thought when I saw a man in the mirror. I halted and took a few step back and turned to the mirror.. Expecting to see the man again, but there was nothing there. Strange.

I entered the kitchen where I saw my mom doing the dishes. "Hey you hungry?" she asked. I took a cookie from the cookie jar " Nah, I'm good, ate in town" , mmh moms newly baked chocolate chip cookies taste like heaven. " you need any help?" I asked her, " No hunny I got this" she answered. I went up to her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed for my room. I was beginning to feel very tired and it wasn't  even ten. Weird.

I picked up my diary and read through the current pages until I reached the last one, wow,  there was one sentence... one I didn't recognize writing.

"Come find me, my dear Cassandra"

I stared at it for a while, what is happening?! I reread the sentence a few times, trying to understand, find who? The girl? Or the boy?.. It must be the girl since she's the one who's missing right? My eyes kept closing heavily, damnit. Guess I have to leave this for tomorrow. I closed my diary crept down under my sheets, whispered good night and fell deep asleep.

"I'm blindfolded and outside, I feel the sun on my skin and the smell of summer. I hear the angelic laughter running around me, at this point I'm giggling too and trying to feel my way. "come find me, my dear Cassandra" the familiar voice calls for me. "

That's when I stood still, I removed the blindfold and he's gone, but I'm still in my dream.. I hear his laughter coming from the house and I follow it inside, I continues up the the stairs and to the left, the bedroom. I enter but no one is the there. I take another step, when my dress get's caught on some thing. I turned to see what, when I notice a loose floorboard,  I wiggle it a bit before I remove it, and there it is! The box!

I reach for the box, but wake up before I can even touch it. Now I know where to go. Now I know what this key opens. One step closer. I reached for the clock and only saw that it was 3 in the morning. Not this time. I decided to write down everything in my diary and fell asleep for a few more hours.

This time the sun woke me up, when did few hours become 9? Damnit, it was dreamless sleep. I got up and got dressed. Time to find the box. To find some answers.

By the time I reached the house, the sun was shining on point, in to the room that I needed to get to. I took a few deep breaths before I walked up to the front door. This is it. Please be there. Please. I reached the stairs and went up, turned to left and entered the room. It all looked as I left it last time, no changes. I sat down on my knees and began pulling on loose floorboard. I gasped. It actually moved and there it was, the box from my dreams. I lifted it up and put it down on the floor next to me. I reached for my necklace and pulled it of. This is it.

The key fitted. I turned it and the box opened. The box contained pictures. Finally. I picked them up and started looking through them. First picture is of a girl and and boy playing. The boy had brownish hair and piercing eyes, I couldn't see the color since the picture was in black and white. He was beautiful. The girl next to him also had dark hair and dark brown eyes like mine. I think its brown or maybe black since the picture was in black and white. Duh.

I keept looking through the pictures, most of them were on the girl, aging. I closed the box and decided to continue the exploring home. I got down the stairs and before I exited the door I felt a clear presence behind me. I took a deep breath and whispered good bye as I left.

At home, I put the box on my bed, gathered the books I had and picked up my diary. Let the research begin. I opened the box and looked through the pictures ones more until I got to the last one. That's when I felt my heart stop for a second. I blinked a few times, but the picture didn't change. It was me on the picture. The same dress I saw in my first dream. I froze. I turned the picture and saw something written.

"My dear Cassandra"

I put it all back in the box and closed it. Maybe I'm over imagining things. What the hell. The picture is to clear to imagine. I looked at the box, it was beautiful. Golden red as the key, round corners. Breath taking carvings of flower around it. I grazed my fingers across the lid. The box was smooth. What now. I considered asking my parents about the picture, but then I would have to explain where I found it. Shit. If I tell Lis then she will be all over dramatic. I took a deep breath and open the box again.

Under all of the pictures was a letter. Written to me. I think. I considered a bit before reading it. Dated 1815-12-12. The day of my birthday, two centuries ago. The letter contained something more. A ring. It was beautiful. Golden red as the rest of the stuff. I took a deep breath and began to read.

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