chapter 7

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So I wrote this chapter A bit fast, It needs some work done, and it's to short.. I'm contemplating on maybe making it longer or perhaps just make the next chapter longer, the reason I wrote this chapter this fast is because I was about to give up on this story, didn't think anyone was reading it.. but I'm happy you are!! Please leave a comment of what you think! 

Love you guys and thank you for reading!



A lovely voice echoed. I smiled at the voice calling my name. Oh please say it again, only slower this time. I giggled at my own thoughts.


The voice got louder. Oh that angelic voice, I wish I could see who you belonged to. Wait.. I recognise that voice, I know who it belongs to. No, It can't be, am I losing my mind?! Am I asleep? Am I back dreaming? What if he... I didn't dare to finish that sentence, I don't think my heart would bear it if he.. Disapeared again. The aching feeling was conjuring up in my heart. I kept my eyes shut and listened carefully. I was begging for him to call my name again. To call for me, to know that he was still there.

My heart was beating like hell at this moment. I tried to calm myself down but with no success. It was dead quite. Oh god he's gone.

I was about to open my eyes when a pair of lips crushed down on mine. I felt myself giving in to them as they pulled me up in sitting position. My hands had a mind of their own as they found the back of the neck and pulled those lips closer to mine.

The feeling was unexplainable, I felt a fear and longing in this kiss and I couldn't determin if that feeling was coming from me or him. I held on to him as If this kiss was my last breath and if he let go I will die.

I felt him losening his grip around my waist. NO. He is about to break the kiss. NO. He can't do this. The panic in me was growing. NO. I climbed over to his lap, not breaking the kiss and locking him between my legs. He is not going anywhere.

He groaned at my act and turned his head to the side breaking our kiss.


He whispered as he turned his head back to me, leaning his forehead on mine, closed eyes, breathing deep.

"how is this possible? Is it still a dream? How I can I feel you? "

My questions came out in a haste as my fingers carefully caressed his face.

This moment must be a dream. I held on to him until my phone started to buzz again. Shit.

I climbed of him and reached for the phone. Time to get hell now but before I could answer Daniel took my phone and tossed it with such force against a wall that it broke in pieces. What the hell?

I looked up at him as he keept staring down the broken phone.


I noticed he was mad. But why? 

"you do know I'm going to get more shit now when I get home huh?" I sighed in defeat. Everything happening right now was so bizarre that the shock of even seeing him in front of me hasn't settled in.

"Your not going home"

He was pissed.

"that" He pointed on the broken phone "Is evil" 

I noticed he was getting worked up.

Though I wanted to scream at everything happening right now, I knew I had to calm him down first. I reached for his shoulder and gripped it tight as I felt him relax. He was relaxing at my touch and I couldn't help but to feel a bliss of success and happiness. He was mine.

Wait.. Rewind.. Mine?? No. Not mine. The sadness in me started to reappear. He is hers. The young woman who dissapeared from him, the one he is longing for.

I released my grip and sat on the bed with my head bowed down. I need to help him find her, if it's even possible. 

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