Chapter 6

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My dear Cassandra


I  can't believe your gone, I know that this letter will never reach you or be read by you but I

need you to know how I feel. Since the first day I saw you, I couldn't believe you were here. I

remember telling my mother that I found the girl I was going to marry one day. Though you

were shy at first, I knew we were meant to be. I remember your first smile, I melted, I was

yours and the day you left, my heart broke in to million pieces. But I waited, hoped, that one

day you would return. I was just about to give up when I found you outside my door a few

years later, more beautiful then I remembered. You found your way back to me. My love. I

made a promise right then, that I would never leave your side and always keep you safe. I'm

so sorry I let this happen. I wish I could have done something. I blame myself for leaving

you alone that day. I should have been there. I should have known something was wrong.

The reason I left that day was to pick up this ring for you, I had decided to propose and to

make you mine as I already was yours. This was suppose to be your birthday gift.

I love you. miss you. I will always be yours.



All my love



Tears slid down my cheeks. I wanted to find him. I needed to find him. I needed him. My heart broke time after time as I read the letter over and over again. Cassie get a grip. That night I laid wide a wake thinking about the letter. What did the D stand for? His name begins with a D. Common Cassie, think.

I didn't know when I fell a sleep that night. But at some hour I did. This time the dream was more vivid. This time I knew what I was looking for. I was looking for him. I woke up on the couch in the house.  But It wasn't that century, it was my time. The dusty couch released so much dust, that I coughed a lot as I sat up. Am I really dreaming? I heard the angelic voice call my name. I stood up fast and followed the voice. It led me upstairs. I searched the hall but it was to dark to see anything. I wasn't sure where his voice called from. "CASSANDRA" the voice got louder, it came from behind me. I turned and there he was.

He was beautiful. Dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes, beautiful full lips calling for me, tall, broad shoulders,  handsome, to good to be true, he couldn't be human he was to flawless for that. He was breath taking and he was starring right at me, but he didn't see me? I tried to speak but my voice was gone.  He started running around , checking every room, calling for Cassandra. Why can't he see me? I'm right here! I tried running after him but I couldn't move. Damn it.

He ran upstairs towards me and  I stood still waiting. Begging. Please see me please. But nothing, he just ran through me, I felt him. Daniel. His Name. Daniel. My voice returned  in that second and I screamed his name. But at the same time, I lost my balance got dizzy and fainted. Typical. I was waiting for my head to meet the floor  but I never reached the ground. Someone caught me. "NO"  was my last word before I fell.

Damn it. Why do I always wake up when I'm so close. I don't want to open my eyes. I want to go back. I want to see him again. Take me back. As I tried my hardest to fall a sleep again, I felt a pair of lips on mine perfectly, I didn't hesitate a second before I kissed those lips back, I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, I didn't want to let go, not yet. I felt him chuckle against my lips and I opened my eyes , there he was shining like an angel. Perfect. Before I even gave it a second thought I remembered I was still dreaming.  Oh shit, okay Cass don't wake up.

"It's okay, I won't disappear this time" the angelic voice spoke.  "Daniel" I whispered trembling. He sighed and sat next to me. So beautiful. But what did he mean by "wont disappear this time". I blinked a few times and looked around. I was still in the house. I gasped. I was in the bedroom, lying in the bed. The dusty bed in my time. But how?

I looked back at him. Shit what is happening.

" take a deep breath love, your safe"  I felt myself calming down at his words but I was still confused. "This isn't real, I'm going to wake up soon, and you won't be here" I started to sob like a little child as I pulled my legs up and hugged them. 

"cass look at me, I'm here, I'm with you, your not going anywhere" he tried to convince me but the tears were already falling. " look at me " he whispered. And I did. That's when I saw it. He was wearing normal clothes, washed up jeans, white T-shirt that hugged his oh so sexy abdomen and a black biker jacket. Not the 18th century clothes, his hairs wasn't as long, it was a bit shorter. But those piercing blue eyes were exactly the same ones I saw before. "how?" was the only word the came out of me. But before I could even let him explain I jolted up, shit, If this isn't a dream, then I've done it again. Mom's going to freak. Shit shit shit.

I started to look after my phone. I started to pace around in front of him as I reached in every pocket. He on the other hand looked at me amused. HaHa, very funny. Bingo. I found it and picked it up. As I expected, a million missed calls from mom. I was about to dial when I froze and turned. There he was, sitting on the bed watching me. This isn't a dream, this is real. I dropped my phone when it started to buzz again. Okay Cass, deep breaths. What do I do? Run? Stay? Panic? No instead I did what any over dramatic girl would do. I fainted. Again. Great.

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