Chapter 16

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Sorry for the long wait, here is chapter 16! sorry for the Errors and hope you like it!

Much love to all you readers! 

Thanks for reading <3


I was for some reason anticipating a slap or anything until I remembered that he could not touch me. I could feel him fuming with anger and a smile plastered on my lips. I was getting on his last nerves and it was entertaining since I was practically blind and could not see anything, I could only feel, listen and  speak... and smell!! I know that I am a human of some kind I hope, still unsure of how I survived for this long... I should be able to use one of my senses. Gabriel might have made me blind and only made it possible to hear him, but he could have not removed the smell of the environment we are in or could he? I sniffed around a little bit, trying to sense something out of the ordinary but got interrupted by Gabriel. 

" It's not possible.." He mumbled loudly. 

I turned to where his voice was coming from. 

"What is not possible?" I asked. Not knowing where I was going with my question but I needed him to be occupied to not notice what I was doing. 

" You being alive and that someone kept you alive, who kept you alive? Not demons.. they would have not hid you from me.." He responded confused. 

"If you didn't send them then who did? why did they keep me alive? I remember them calling me an assignment..." I whispered trying not let my tears fall.

"An assignment?" Gabriel asked. 

"That's all I got when Daniel and I hid as they looked for me" I responded blankly. I was beginning to miss Daniel. How can he not see through the demon that is probably sitting next to him right now. I sighed. 

I was beginning to feel defeated by all of this when another pair of steps entered the room. I kept my mouth shut and stopped my breathing. I tried to listen for the person but it was quiet. Damn it Gabriel this was not fair. I tried to mouth help but my lips would not move. Did Gabriel paralyse me? oh god I really am lost for eternity. 

"Gabriel, return her sight and her voice" The smooth unknown voice spoke with authority. I was grateful to who ever the person was. 

Colours started to appear and for every time I blinked my vision cleared.  I started to smile when the view in front me was taking shape and I heard the smooth voice chuckle at me. 

"I wouldn't smile if I was you" Gabriel scoffed next to me. 

My smile dropped at his words when a handsome man, dark hair, muscular in the right way about 6 feet 5 tall, almost as tall as Daniel, appeared in front of me. He would probably be a dream if it was not for his pitch black eyes. Unlike Daniels stubble he was clean shaved and looked more like a business man than anything else. I gulped at the sight of him and I couldn't tell if it was attraction or fear because this man was literally scary attractive...

"Cassandra.. meet Azazel." Gabriel spoke with a cocky smile and my breath hitched. 

I was standing face to face with the Devil. How do you react, what do you do? what do you say? I stood up not breaking eye contact, fearing him like a predatorily wild animal. afraid that If I loose eye contact I will be dead. 

He cocked his head to the left with a smile as he inspected me head to toe. I was getting uncomfortable again. Almost the same feeling I got when Gerard was inspecting me.. That familiar feeling.. Is Gerard bad too??

"So you are the human that has got my friend here spinning out of control.." He spoke so smooth... " I don't see it.." he continued and I scoffed feeling offended by his words for no reason. 

He chuckled at my scoff and took a step towards me. " Offended Love?" he asked with this attracting voice and I gulped again. Was he playing with my mind? If he was.. he was defiantly better then Gabriel. 

"Isn't the Devil suppose to be... red with... horns?" I asked with a shaky voice not really aware of what I just asked him. 

He laughed angelically which he is not suppose to be able to do! He's the devil?? 

" Where do you think the expression Devilishly handsome come from?" He asked me and I just kept starring at him, dumbfounded. 

"Your not suppose to laugh like an angel..." My word slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Azalea cocked his head to the right as his smile never left his lips " If you know you history love than you should know that I was an angel to begin with... But now I go by many names.. Azazel.... Lucifer... The devil.." he taunted me with the angelic voice. "But you may call me Azazel..." He winked at me. I shuddered. 

"have you figured out how to remove the protection?" Gabriel spoke annoyed, standing behind him . 

"As Intriguing as you are Love I need to attend to my friend.. so you have to excuse me" Azazel spoke to me as he lifted my hand up to his lips, giving it a peck and then turned to Gabriel. 

How... did he... I looked at their back as they left the room and I sat down.. what did just happen? How did he manage to touch me? why did my protection not work? ... He was not a threat? But he is? I couldn't appreciate my vision returning, I didn't dare to follow them through the door they just left.. No windows in this room.. only walls.. And I just met the Devil? I mentally scolded myself for the attraction he brought out in me.. for him not being the devil I expected.. the monster I've imagined him to be.. 

Does this mean that Gabriel actually has a chance to succeed with his mission to kill me? Oh god Daniel.. please find me.

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