Chapter 10

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So here is chapter 10.. 

I know that my chapters are short but this makes it possible for me to uppdate frequently and again I am so sorry for the errors!

Hope you like it! Thank you so much for reading!! 

Vote and comment <3

I might make a chapter 11 later but no promises! love you guys!


"Daniel?" I mumbled half asleep. We had made ourselves comfortable in the bed. Daniel had scooped me up in his embrace and my head was laid down on his chest. Night was falling outside and room got darker but I wasn't afraid. I was here with Daniel. My arm was around his waist holding tight and I fought to keep my eyes open.

Even though Daniel reassured me many times that he wouldn't disappear I still couldn't take that risk. My eyes were closing over and over but I managed to open them again and again. He hugged me close and kissed my temple. "Please sleep my love, you had long day" He whispered and I swear that whisper sounded angelic, soft and lyrical. He was trying to tire me to the point of no return.

I was about to give up and give in. No point in fighting if he promised. I yawned loud and cuddled in to him when a large thump came from downstairs. I flew up in a sitting position clear and awake. Not understanding how I was so tired before.

The thump got louder and I turned to Daniel, getting scared. What if it's his father back to finish me? Holy s... I was panicking and Daniel was by my side he held my with one hand and the other one covered my mouth.

"shhh love.. I need you to listen" he whispered as he concentrated on the door ahead of us. I tried to calm myself down. My heart was beating like hell. Breath Cassie Breath I repeated to myself.

"Cassie?" I heard someone call from downstairs and recognized the voice as my mothers. Of course she would come looking for me. I face palmed myself as I looked at my trashed phone one the floor.

I removed the hand covering my mouth to tell Daniel It was alright and to call back to her when he gripped me harder. What was he doing?! It's my mother and my father I presume! I started to pull at his hand but he wouldn't budge. I tried to scream but no sound escaped his big hand. My tears started to fall and he released his grip a bit.

"Love we have to go now, they can't find..." He looked around until he found the window "us or you... they aren't you parents" I thought back to the story and what he told me and nodded.

"Cassie? Are you here honey? We are worried!" I heard my father shout and my heart sank. Yes, I am here, right here, upstairs. I closed my eyes, they might not be my parents but they are the only parents I know of.

I love you Daniel but... Wait... love? Where did that come from?? I gasped at my own thought. This is not possible, I know I belong to him but how can I love him this fast? I don't even really know him? Or do I?

Before I even had the chance to make it through my mind he had already picked me up and helped me out of the window. I held on to him with my dear life and he chuckled.

"It's okay love you can let go, I can't believe you fear this... you loved to hide right here on the roof under the windowsill when we played hide and seek." He smiled at a distant memory. I couldn't help but to grin at his revelation... I just wish I remembered it to.

He put me down and climbed out after me. My parents had just reached the bedroom. I looked up at the window when a light lit. I was expecting for them to move around and call my name but what I saw... was impossible and unrealistic... I knew it was my parents but the shadows I saw moved around the room inhumanly fast and quite. If it wasn't for the light I would have never noticed them or suspected anyone to be in the room.

"I told you moving back here was a bad Idea!" I heard my father tell my mother.

"She doesn't even know or remember, It was a long time ago and you know this is the last place he would look for her" My mother sighed.

"When we find her I will lock her to the car and drive" My father hissed at my mother. I felt sorry for her.

"Are you talking about kidnapping our daughter?" my mother asked concerned. See I am their daughter!

"You have to stop that, it's getting on my nerves. She is not our daughter, she is nothing to us and you have to get that through your thick head, she is just an assignment" my father spoke irritation sipping through his words.

Oh my god Daniel was right. They are not my parents. I pulled my hands to my heart, gathered the fabric on the spot and ripped at it. I pulled as my tears cascaded. I was an assignment. I was never loved. All of this was made up.

Daniel caught my arms and I hated it. I wanted him to let me go. I wanted to pull on everything until I felt empty and numb.

The light in the room vanished and so did the voices and people.

"Cassie, can you stand up?" Daniel asked me with a pleading voice. I wanted to respond but at the moment I felt empty. EVIL Daniel said when my phone rang. Evil I agree.

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