Chapter 24

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Here is Chapter 24!!

Thank you for reading !

Sorry for the errors <3


"Good morning Love" A husky voice whispered in my ear. I smiled at the words but kept my eyes closed. A strange fuzzy feeling erupted in the pit of my stomach. I was feeling bubbly and happy. I decided to tease him for a little bit so I stretched my body out in the bed and let a little small moan escape my lips.

"Are you teasing me love?" the voice growled lightly as a pair of hands stroked my half naked body. I giggled at his attempt of a threat and moaned unwillingly as I felt his finger stroke my thigh and move up over the shorts to my exposed hip.

"I can tease you too" He whispered in my ear as he started to kiss down my jaw. Oh god is this really happening?

I lifted my arms above my head as his strokes got more intense and his fingers caressed my belly under my tank top. My breath hitched the further up he went. I remembered I was braless. I need to do something before he reaches... because if he does I'm gone and he wins.

Think fast Cassie think... Oh no. He found my neck. He started to kiss me lightly and I forgot all about his hand under my top. This was my foremost sensitive spot. My moans increased for every kiss and that when I spoke the name.

A light moaned whisper "Daniel".

Azazel froze at my side and my eyes opened up. What did I just say? Daniel? I felt the bed dip and Azazel remove himself from me. I wanted to scream NO but I was still in a bit of a shock. Why did I call out a name I have no memory of? I tried to remember anything but my mind only came up blank. I looked up at Azazel but he only averted his gaze. Oh god I hurt him.


It's been a few hours and I was still in bed. I haven't moved. I hurt Azazel and he needs some space. I just don't know why it affected him so much? I don't even know a Daniel yet he took more offence then he should... I mean I get a guy being mad at a girl for saying some other guy's name in bed.... Oh god I wanted to dig a hole and burry myself in shame. I said another guy's name... I covered my face with my hands. My stomach started to rumble and hunger was slowly creeping up.

I got up from the bed and moved to the door, why did he look so hurt? As If I had stabbed him in the back? He wasn't mad... He was hurt. I sighed as I opened the door. I need to get some food in me and I need to speak to him... I finally got him back, I don't want to lose him again.

I moved to the stairs and began walking down; do I remember where the kitchen is? Or Even the dining hall? I scolded myself for not remembering but in my defense I had Mia by my side at all time, that I never really needed to learn my way around. Stupid Cassie.

"Mia" I whispered hoping she will hear me.

As I reached the bottom stair I closed my eyes and tried to remember. We turned to the left then moved right. See my memory is not that bad! So why can't I remember Daniel? I shook my head at the name... shook it off and opened my eyes to be met by a smiling Mia. Oh, I should be so grateful to have her.

"Miss you need some help?" She asked a bit carefully.

"Please Mia stop calling me Miss" I groaned as I gave her a big smile.

"You seem to be in a better mood" She laughed as she shook her head.

"I know I said I would call you Cassie, but I need some time to adjust Miss" She finally said as her smile faded a bit.

"I am really hungry Mia" I spoke with pleading puppy dog eyes.

"Common let's go to the kitchen" She chuckled as she led the way and I followed right behind her.

I need to get some foods in my belly then find Azazel. I need to apologize I sighed.


Alright I can do this; I will apologize for the name and hope he forgives me. I need him to forgive me but I also need answers... If he reacted the way he did then he must know more than he is letting on. Does he know who Daniel is? NO, CASSIE. I'm not going to dwell and hurt him more then I probably already have. I need to let the name go.

I have fallen for the Devil and I hope he has fallen for me too. After Mia's really tasty cooking I asked her to bring me here, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door to his study.

"Enter" his stern voice spoke from the other side of the door. A cold chill went down my back. Am I afraid?

I opened the door and walked in. He was sitting on his chair behind his work table with his nose in a lot of paper. I cleared my throat as I approached him.

"Sit" He snapped and I sat.

He finally looked up and smiled. Was he playing with me?

"I'm sorry" I finally whispered with so much shame and bowed my head down.

"Oh Love no need to apologize" He spoke truly and walked up and crouched right next to me "I'm sorry for leaving you like that" He continued as he lifted my head up to meet his gaze. No trace of anger. He wasn't angry or sad. I smiled widely at him and put my arms around his neck. He chuckled at my action as he put his own arms around my waste and pulled me out of the chair.

"go get dressed Love, we are going out" He whispered in my ear and I pulled away to look him in the eyes.

"Really?" I whispered back.

"It's time for us to go out on a real date" He chuckled as he led me out of his study. My excitement got the best of me; I pecked him on the lips and called for Mia as I ran to my room. 

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