Chapter 8

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Oh My God I didn't think anyone was reading my story so I took a break from it, I'm so glad you are and here's another short chapter (sorry) but I felt inspired and wanted to get something out fast!

thank you so much for reading guys!


He got down to my level and I felt his hand wipe away a tear I didn't even noticed I've shed. 

"My Cassandra" he whispered defeated. 

I loved that he called me his, but I knew I wasn't his even if I looked like her. I sniffled before I looked up, meeting his gaze. Oh the pain in my heart grew. I have to tell him I'm not her but I don't want to. I don't know if it's because I don't want to hurt him or loose him but I know that I can't be selfish. Not with him. 

I gathered my emotional strength and closed my eyes as I let my words slip out.

"I'm not yours... I'm not her..the one you love" my voice cracked. 

His hand froze above my cheek and then he removed it. I could literally see my heart shatter in to million pieces. I opened my eyes to look at him when I saw him smiling. what the? 

"Oh darling but you are" his smile grew wider as he spoke. wait what?

"Ehm no, I'm like seventeen that is impossible" I blurted out confused. 

He looked out the window as I sat on the bed dumbfounded. 

"I thought you were dead.. you were lost" he mumbled. Dead? maybe there's something wrong with the guy? Has he lost it or have I?

"Really you got the wrong girl..I can try to help you find her?" I offered not sure where I was going with this. 

He crouched down in front of me and offered me a calming smile, as if he could feel me reeling up. 

"Cassandra you are my love, I thought you were gone and that I was sentenced to hell but then you showed up.." he paused. 

" that would be impossible see I'm seventeen which means I was born seventeen years ago.. the woman you are looking for was born several centuries ago.." I paused realising that he shouldn't be alive now either.

Fear hit me lik a brick and I backed away from him fast. I contemplated on running but I was paralysed. what is going on?! I could feel his sadness but my own fear covered it up to well.

"Cassie how sure are you about your birthdate?" he asked, not moving an inch. 

"uhm pretty sure" I responded. 

"Do you have a birth certificate? have you ever seen yours?" he asked calmly. 

I thought about it for a second.. No I have never seen it but I have never asked for it either. 

"I think you should let me go home" I tried to speak as calmly as him but my voice was to shaky. 

"Cassandra that is not your home and I can't let you go back there" He kept his cool as he spoke and it started to scare me. 

How did I go from loving this guy to be scared of him? 

He sighed as he sat down on the bed not making any fast movements to scare me further. 

"Cassandra I have to tell you something and I hope you will believe me..because I can't loose you again" 

I saw his head bow down at this and I felt myself calming down. I crawled up by his side and leaned my head against his shoulder. there was that safe feeling again. I relaxed and nudged him to go on. I have to try to be openminded for his sake. 

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