Chapter 25

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Here's chapter 25!

thank you all for reading sweeties,

Sorry for the ERRORS, really <3

Love or Hate Azazel? Let me know below!


Mia helped me pick out a pair of black skinny jeans with a beautiful white cropped top and a black leather jacket. Azazel had told Mia to dress me warm and in pants, since he wouldn't tell me where we were going.  I smiled as I put my boots on and was actually thrilled that I managed to avoid putting on a dress and heels.  A shiver went through me at the thought of a dress, I don't know why but I hated it.

I sat in front of the mirror and saw the make up in front of me. I'm not used to really putting on any make up...

"May I miss?" Mia came up behind me. She looked at the makeup and I nodded gratefully at her.

Mia worked her magic and by the time she was done I was in Awe, she made it look natural yet beautiful. I almost didn't recognize the girl in front of me.

"No tears Cassie" Mia spoke sternly and I turned with a tear slipping down my cheek.

"You called me Cassie" I smiled at her and she groaned as the next tear slipped down.

"Let's go miss; we shouldn't let the master wait too long" she spoke and with that we were back at miss again.

"That's unfair Mia, you cannot go back to miss" I Whined at her and she chuckled as she pushed me out of the chair and towards the door.

I descended the stairs with a handsome looking Azazel standing by the front door. I blushed at his stare and noticed his intense gaze.

"You are beautiful Love" he whispered when I reached his side. A sweet shiver ran through my body. He opened the front door and turned to me.

"Shall we?"


The car ride was very quiet... I kind of enjoyed the silence yet I was bothered by the familiar feeling.  I looked down at our intertwined hands, why does this feel like déjà vu? I shook my head a bit and looked up at the road. I was going on a date with Azazel! And at the end of the date I'm going to tell him how I feel...

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked him hoping to get a clue.

"I am not telling you love" He responded without taking his eyes of the road.

We have been in this car for almost an hour and I started to shift in my seat impatiently. Why is it such a secret? I groaned, I'm not the one for surprises so I'm really biting my tongue right now.

The car finally came to a stop and I jolted out before he managed to remove his keys from the ignition. I heard a light chuckle come from him as he exited the car. I smiled at him and looked around. I noticed that we were in an empty parking lot. The only available light was coming from some flickering lamps.

I moved to Azazels side and grabbed on to his arm as if my life depended on it.

"I hope your surprise is less scary than this parking lot" I whispered to him afraid a crazy murderer would hear me and show up from somewhere.

"You do know I'm the devil right?" He responded to me.  Yes, well yes I do, does that mean he likes these stuff?

"You do know I like you and if I need to handle this side of you... I'll suck it up and deal" I responded giggling.

Azazel sighed sadly at my response. I was about to ask what's the matter when a sinister laugh broke out behind me. I turned around fast to be met by a man I remembered as Gabriel. No! Don't tell me he did this, No! Was it because of the name I accidentally called out, please I'm sorry I pleaded in my mind to Azazel.

My world literally crumbled when Azazel only looked away from me in response.

"Was all of this a game?" I whispered crushed.

"You actually got her to fall in love with you??" Gabriel yelled as he laughed his ass off.

"I have a surprise for you too old friend" Azazel spoke calmly as he smiled at Gabriel.

Nausea was building up in my stomach and I wanted to cry so badly but I stopped myself. I am not going to show these people that I am weak. I am not weak.  If I am going down... I am going down with dignity.

"CASSANDRA..." A distant familiar voice called for me. I turned around to be met by the same man... only a younger version... he was accompanied by another man. 

Against my better judgment I ignored both Gabriel and his younger copy. I turned to look Azazel in the eyes because my heart was breaking and I needed to know.

"Why?" I asked with a voice at the edge of breaking. I held on to his arms so I wouldn't fall on my shaky legs and stared up in to his eyes. He gazed in to mine for a second with regret... and then he looked up at the man behind me.

"Daniel" He acknowledged him and I froze. Daniel?! I turned slowly around to get a good look at this man. I had no idea of who he was, the only familiar thing about him is the slight resemblance of Gabriel. I turned back to Azazel and pleaded with all my heart.

"I don't know who he is please, please believe me" with the sound of tears in my voice. I needed him to believe me.

"Oh I know love... see you did know him once..." He responded with a cold voice as he turned his gaze to the man beside Daniel "you're all mighty" he acknowledged him and then looked back at Daniel "She will never remember you as you want her too... she will never love you" Daniel fell on his knees broken... I felt sorry for him... but that's all... then Azazel turned to Gabriel "And you cannot come near her as her protection won't allow you... ever" He laughed as his gaze fell back on me. "Good bye love" he whispered as he placed a light kiss on my forehead and glanced at the men behind me one last time.

"Let the game begin" Azazel murmured before he disappeared and left me. he left me.

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