Chapter 17

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Sorry for the errors and short chapter!


*Thank You For Reading <3*


I waited and waited for them to return as I had nothing else to do, no way out and nowhere to run. I don't even know how long I've been here for and if it's day or night... when did they leave? I know that it's been hours but has it been days? My stomach began to rumble. When was the last time I ate something? Anything? I tried to remember but I felt too tired to even try.

Every time I closed my eyes I hoped.. Wished.. That this was all a nightmare and that I'm going to wake up in my own bed in my own room... go down the stairs and see my mother and father at the kitchen table drinking coffee and having a livid conversation... the smell of my mother's pancakes.. I felt the lump in my throat grow and my tears fall. This isn't a dream... not even a nightmare... This is my sad attempt of a life... what is it worth? Is Daniel even coming? I curled up like ball on the cold stone floor when the door in front of me cracked open.

"Daniel" I whispered hoping he finally found me.

"No love" Azazel responded as he entered with a smirking Gabriel behind him.

"Seriously Cassandra, do you still think he will come? He has given up on you... he doesn't even know you're gone, He's too busy with the demon he thinks is you" Gabriel laughed in my face as I felt too weak to turn away from him.

"he will find me " I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Thanks to your little memory loss, he can't tell If it's you or not my dear little Cassandra, think about it? You have been here for almost two weeks... where is your precious Daniel? Nowhere!" Gabriel spat at me.

My heart broke at this statement. He was right... I've been here for two weeks? And he still hasn't noticed that the person with him is not me. How can he replace me that easy with a copy? I thought he loved me. My heart broke.

"Cassandra love" Azazel called for my attention... I looked up at him with cold eyes.

"Can you please show me your mark..." He asked cautiously. I placed my hand on my neck protectively. This mark was the only thing keeping me alive at this moment.

"SHOW HIM THE MARK" Gabriel was getting impatient. I shook my head and kept my mark hidden.

"DAMNIT" Gabriel screamed as he charged at me, but my protection kept him at bay. He couldn't reach me.

"Do something" Gabriel gave up and screamed at Azazel.

"Patience my friend.. Unless I know what mark it is and who has marked her I am unable to remove it" he responded never breaking eye contact with me. I should be afraid of him, why am I not afraid?

Azazel approached with cautious steps and extended his hand. I looked at it in confusion.

"You have two choices Love... You either take my hand and come with me or you stay here with Gabriel..." He spoke with that angelic voice he wasn't supposed to have. He's persuading me.

I looked at him and then Gabriel. My choices are to stay with a vindictive fallen angel or follow the Devil. I thought about my state right now. I have lost everything I have to loose. I have nothing left to fight for. I am alone and all I know right now is that I need to get out of this hellhole because I can't spend another second here. I'm cold, hungry and lost.

I accepted Azazels hand and stood up to follow him. I heard Gabriel snort at me.

"Weak humans follow the Devil blindly, what's the point in protecting you at all..." He taunted me.

I only closed my eyes defeated and let Azazel lead me out.

As I stepped over the threshold I opened my eyes to see a black limo in front of me. I didn't bother to take in the surroundings, I didn't care. Azazel opened the car door for me and I entered it without a doubt. I felt numb and speechless. As Azazel entered from the other side I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.

"Love?" Azazel called for me but I didn't feel like responding instead I felt someone place a blanket on my cold body and I shifted to a comfortable position. Before I drifted of to sleep, one thought escaped my mind.

Should I give in to Gabriel and end all of this? 

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