Chapter 4

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""hello?" "anyone there?" the room was pitch black.. Where am I? "mom?" "dad?" I sat up in my bed.. Or wait this isn't my bed?!  This is the bed from the dream! And I wasn't alone in the bed... I held my breath and then heard a familiar husky voice next to me " love, are you having a nightmare?"  I felt my body relax at the sound of his voice. I dared to touch his arm as I slid back down next to him, "no, I'm fine" I whispered, I couldn't see him but I felt him, his muscular arm around my tiny body in comparison to his.. I moved my fingers slowly up to his cheek,  my love, my everything,I kept repeating it in my head like a mantra, "never fear anything love, I'll always protect you" he whispered huskily as he moved closer to me.. And that's when I felt his lips on mine, for the first time and oh did they feel so good. I couldn't get enough, I tangled my fingers in to his hair and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, he turned his body towards me and I felt him stroke my thigh beneath my night gown.I shivered at his touch.  He moved his lips down to my neck and I wanted him so bad"

My own moaning woke me up. I sighed when I noticed that I was in my own room In my own bed trying to catch my breath. Shit. Why do I keep dreaming of him as my love? Who am I dreaming about? I know I'm not anybody else cause I saw my own reflection first time the dreams began. They must be telling me something, but what? This is getting so confusing, is it because of this necklace? I held a tight grip around the key. Maybe I'm dreaming of the boy and the girl? And dreaming of my self as the girl since I have no clue who the girl might be? Maybe I'm meant to uncover the truth about why the girl disappeared? Yeah, that's it. I told myself. I'm getting closer and I can feel it!

Though There's one thing that is troubling me.. I'm getting to attached to him, the man without a face, it's going to be hard to let go when this all gets solved.I felt tears slid down my cheek. How can I feel this love for someone I've never met and never even seen his face? Doesn't make any sense. Truly nothing makes any sense about all of this. I'm wondering if everything that has happened really is happening or have I lost myself to deep in my imaginations...

I decided for once to take a break from all of this, a mental break that is, I got up, got dressed and decided that maybe it was time for some shopping since the only place I actually can relax and gather myself is the place connected to things I needed  to get away from.

I picked up my cell and called the closest friend I had, thought I don't have that many friends, maybe just that one... "hey , Lis, you busy?"My friend gasped in shock "Oh, what do I owe this pleasure?" she laughed " This must be the first time you call me to do something" I heard her amusement. Yeah okay I'm not that great at hanging out with friends since I actually prefer to be alone, but Lis was this friend that kind of just  forced her self in to my life until I gave up and we became friends and I don't regret it at all. I love her in my own way.

"Well yeah, don't expect this to  be a repeating habit" I rolled my eyes, "I just needed some friend time, and some shopping time, are you up for it?" The phone started to make million noises at the same time I ended my sentence. "Lis??" I hear panting on the phone, "Oh Hun I'm on my way, not going to waist a second of this, be there in 5, be outside!" I heard her start the car and then the line went dead. I chuckled, of course she wouldn't waste any time.

I took a big breath, I stood in front of the mirror and felt myself reaching for my lips where he kissed me and closed my eyes. "who are you?" I whispered. I don't know how long I stood there, I even felt someone remove my hair from my shoulder and place light kisses on my neck, I smiled at the thought and felt myself reaching for his face, putting my hand on his cheeks as he kissed my neck and relaxing in his embrace, as his arms came around my waste,  Sometime imaginations are good to have.

I heard aloud knock on the front door and opened my eyes, shit. I took a good look in the mirror an noticed my hair actually pulled back on the left side. What the?  The knocks got louder so I just shoot the thought away and went for the door.

"I told you to be out in 5!" she shouted, "oh never mind, you got out at least" she smiled. My petite blonde friend at 5 foot 7, the same height as me, though she had blonde and straight her and I had light brown and Wavey hair, she had piercing blue eyes and I had dark brown. She looked like the sporty type with a firm body and everything whilst I was kind of the opposite in my point of view while I heard complaining of how she wanted my long "sexy" legs... notice the quotation marks.. How she was jealous that I could look the way I did no matter what I ate. I honestly thought that she exaggerated a bit to much. But I didn't feel like taking that discussion with her again so I just kept quite.

My mind wandered of to the kisses on the neck. Am I going crazy? I don't know why I felt the urge to turn back, but I did, and I saw someone watching me.

"Cass" my friend shouted . "earth calling to Cass, come on" I turned back to my friend, I noticed her annoyance. "I'm so sorry Lis, what were you saying?" she rolled her eyes and smiled.  "So there's this guy I want you to meet, I promise he's really sweet" Oh shit not  again. "No Lis, I don't want to date!", I should have thought this through a lot better before I called her. " Common Cass, seriously you've been single like your whole life, isn't it time for you to get some action" she winked at me and I blushed, remembering last nights dream. Oh Lis if you only knew.

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