Chapter 22

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Here's chapter 22!

Thank you guys for reading <3

Sorry for the errors!


That night I laid in bed wide awake. I played the evening over and over in my head. That kiss... I touched my lips and shivered. He kissed me and I let him... I even kissed him back... He left the room right after, leaving me all alone in the dining hall. I sat at the table and waited for him to return but he never did. I ate the food since I couldn't handle my hunger and then returned back to my room with the help of Mia. Here I am now unable to sleep unable to think clear. My mind repeating that kiss over and over again.

I sighed as I tossed and turned. I was frustrated with his departure. I couldn't handle my sleepless mind anymore so I got up. He can't just kiss me like that and then leave. Determined to find him I walked out of my room and stopped. I have no Idea where his room is.

"Master are you sure? What should I tell the lady?" I heard Mia whisper from downstairs. I found the stairs and sneaked down quietly. I heard Azazel sigh.

"Tell her I'll be back in a few days" Azazel told her. He's leaving? Because of me? At this I ran down hoping I would be able to stop him before he walks out of the door. I need to talk to him, I need to figure this out, what does the kiss mean?

I reached downstairs as the large door closed. No! I began to pull at it when Mia showed up behind me.

"Miss?" she asked and I didn't bother to turn around.

"He really left didn't he..." I whispered disappointed.

"Yes miss, but he will be back in a few days" she responded and I gave up on the door. I couldn't open it, it was impossible.

"Thank you Mia" I sighed as I walked back to my room.

My mind was working in overtime as I lay in bed trying to figure out why I have this wrong feeling in my gut. Why Azazel left like that. Why it hurt. Why something in the back of my mind was screaming a name that I couldn't remember.


I fell asleep at some point and hade a dreamless sleep, I was disappointed when I woke up and I had no idea why.

Azazel has left and I had no motivation to leave the bed. I can't find my way around this castle, and the reason to leave this room has left and I can't leave this place. I don't want to leave.

A light knock came from my door and I sighed as I called Mia in. She was bringing me a huge tray with breakfast. She is so kind. I smiled at her as she walked up.

"Good morning miss" she smiled sadly at me.

"Good morning Mia and please call me Cassie" I responded not liking her calling me miss as if I was above her.

"Okay Cassie" she blushed. I took my time to observer her, she can't be much older than I am? Can she?

"Mia how old are you?" I asked hoping I wasn't stepping on any toes.

"I am 19 miss" she responded a little bit bothered by the question. Oh only two years older... this isn't right. I felt pity for her, being stuck here. I gave her a sympathetic smile but she only brushed it away. Weird.

She was heading for the door when a though emerged.

"STOP" I burst out a little more forcefully then I meant. She froze in her place.

"Uhm Is there a library here anywhere?" I asked her lightly rubbing my neck awkwardly at my outburst.

"Yes miss right opposite from your room, just go straight" she responded with a light smile.

"It's Cassie not miss" I shouted after her as she left the room.

Aah a library, I've missed books. I've missed losing myself in to stories and getting away from this world. I need something to occupy me while he is gone I sighed. My breakfast smelled so good a moan escaped my lips at the first bite, seriously how can food taste so good? I began to shovel the food in to my mouth when I got this eerie feeling of being watched, I forced my head up from my plate to be met by a gaze.

"Azazel..." I whispered as he only stood in front of me, observing me. He's here and I don't know what to say. I looked down at my tray and began to move it to stand up but when I looked up again he was gone. Where did he go? Is he here or is my mind playing tricks on me? I sighed, what is going on with me.


After hours of sulking in bed I finally found my way out of the room. The hall was big and beautiful. I walked in the direction that Mia had pointed me to. As I moved forward I felt a bit hazy... the hall in front of me shifted a few times to another hall in a house. The familiarity disturbed me, why am I seeing this hall? I kept moving forward and finally reached the door to the library only for it to shift to another door that I somehow remember was locked. I blinked a few time and returned back to the castle door. I shook my head annoyed as I opened it.

My face fell at the sight. I was gawking, and happy that no one could see me. A distant whisper of a familiar laugh came to my mind and I remembered Azazel chuckling at me last time I gawked. A smile appeared on my lips as I entered, the library was huge.

I think I'm going to like it here. 


This is the first time I'm writing a story without a clear image of my characters... 

Who do you see as Azazel and Daniel? 

Let me know if you have an image of them! 

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