Chapter 12

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Hello my wonderful readers! Hope you have had a wonderful weekend! Heres chapter 12! (Sorry that it is short, but bare with me)

Sorry for the errors!

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As I woke up the next day I noticed the bed was empty, panic rose in me, where is Daniel?! He promised he wouldn't disappear! He promised! I got up hysterically looking like a maniac calling for Daniel when the door to the bedroom opened. I turned to see Daniel with two coffees and my heart settled down. I had a small smile on my lips and squinted my eyes.

"Don't ever do to that again" I spoke a little bit harshly then I meant to.

He gave me my coffee as he scratched the back of his head with an angelic smile. Damn Boy. How can someone look so good and why don't I notice it all the time? Sometimes I forget as if I'm used to him. Maybe I am? Maybe my feelings are remembering better than my mind? My body sure isn't reacting as my mind would do sometimes ... Maybe that's a good thing, because I would probably look like a tomato right now checking him out.

My mind was wandering from his lips down his chin, neck and settling on his torso when Daniel cleared his throat. I looked up dumbfounded not aware of what I was doing.

"You really don't play fair Love" Daniel whispered seductively. Oh God.

"Uhm.. What.. I.. Uhm" Was all my mind could conjure up and my lips could release.

Daniel took a step forward and I wanted to too but something told me that this was not the time so I took a step back as I saw his disappointment. I don't want to hurt him.

"I want to I really do.. but I need a clear mind before I can take any further steps" I whispered as I bowed my head down in defeat.

Daniel approached me and lifted my head up delicately with his finger.

"It's okay love I understand" He responded as he gave me a peck on the lips.

Daniel began to gather his thing and putting them in a bag. I watched him as realization hit me. He was packing, was he leaving? We're we leaving? Why are we leaving and where? Daniel paused and looked up at me.

"We have to go, the demons might not come back but my father will at some point and until then it's not safe for you, even if you are protected, my father has made an alliance with Azazel also known as Lucifer." Daniel spoke as he kept moving around the room.

I gasped. Not knowing what to say. Fear gripped my heart. I'm not used to this. I've lived a guarded life for as long as I can remember. This doesn't happen to me. I'm no one, I'm unknown. My world is turning upside down. My air supply was decreasing as I found myself gasping, oh god I was hyperventilating. Daniel was by my side in a second holding me as he whispered soothing words begging me to relax.

It took a few minutes but I finally relaxed in his embrace.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I placed my head in the crook if his neck.

"We have to find Gerard, maybe he has the answers we need.. He's the only fallen angel I know beside my father" Daniel responds to my question.

I hope Gerard has the answers and I hope he can help me remember. I hope my fear is short lived.

Daniel took a last look at the room before he grabbed my hand.

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