Chapter 13

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So sorry for the long wait and for the short chapter and for the errors! 

I think I have finally decided where to go with this story so bare with me <3

Thank you for reading <3

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Daniel let me in to the car like a gentleman and I blushed even with all of this happening I could find some enjoyable moments. Secret moments I needed to keep me sane. He got around the car and grabbed my hand as he sat down. He was holding it a bit too tight but I didn't mind as long as he held it.

We drove for over an hour and I felt myself drifting again as I saw the threes pass by. I wasn't sure about my choice of going with him to the unknown but it felt right. And that was all that mattered right now. I need clarity and I don't have a home to return to. I remembered Lis... is she also a demon? or is she my friend? Actual friend?

I began to yawn when the car stopped.

"We're here I think" Daniel spoke hastily. I sat up in anticipation. Now was the time for answers. Hopefully.

The crispy cold night made me shiver as I exited the car. I took in my surroundings and for the first time I felt so foreign. I am used to what I know and what is mine. I have never been outside my hometown and that is a bit odd now that I think about it.

Daniel grabbed my hand as he began walking towards a pub, it looked a bit abandoned but it was lit in the window so it wasn't closed. The first thing I noticed when we entered was the interior; I think they were going for cozy but ended up with creepy, a bit too dark for my taste. I held myself close to Daniel as he moved to the bar.

The bartender behind the bar had her attention right on Daniel batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. I wanted to punch her. Daniel on the other hand didn't notice it.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a guy named Gerard, I met him once here..." Daniel described him as I took a look around, I got this strange feeling someone was watching me but I couldn't see or notice anyone really paying attention to us.

I turned back to Daniel as he thanked the bartender for her help.

"No problem sugar, anytime" she responded with a too sweet voice and gave him a wink. My mind had a bunch of bad words I wanted to call her. But I kept my pretty little mouth shut.

"Love, jealousy doesn't suit you" Daniel snickered as he pulled me towards a table. I rolled my eyes as I moved to the chair next to him.

"So what did the sweet bartender tell you exactly?" I asked with distaste.

Daniel laughed at my attempt to not seem affected as he took my hand in his.

" She didn't know any Gerard but she's seen a man coming in every night the same time that fitted my description" Daniel looked at his watch " he should probably show up in about an hour or two according to her" Daniel responded.

I nodded as the creepy feeling of being watched returned. I shivered involuntarily.

"Are you cold?" Daniel drew my attention from the eerie feeling.

"No... I just..." Should I tell him? Maybe it is nothing and I am just exaggerating, no reason to alert him of a probably stupid feeling, besides I'm here with him, nothing can happen. "It's nothing" I respond giving him a reassuring smile.

Nevertheless he put his arms around me and I relaxed at his touch. So much is going on right now and I need to clear my mind. My fear is egging me on creating unnecessary imagination that are not needed right now.

How do I process everything that is going on? In a few short days my parents have literally become my enemies, I have lost my home, the house that was supposed to become an adventure has turned in to a nightmare and I am too tired to contemplate it all.

I didn't notice when Daniel had ordered anything but the warm chocolate in front me was exactly what I needed right now.

I sipped at it as I turned to look at Daniel, I was about to open up and talk to him about all my thoughts when I noticed his attention were somewhere else, I looked up to see a man enter the pub. Daniel stood up in alert dragging me up with him, I sincerly hope the man is Gerard but my gut told me not to exclude Gabriel. 

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