Chapter 11

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So here comes a longer chapter! *Proud* Hope you like it! 

sorry for the errrors!!

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I raised myself up and climbed back in to the room. Daniel was calling my name, but I was numb... Alone.. I fell down on my knees in the middle of the room.. for the first time that I can remember I felt broken.. empty.. I closed my eyes letting the pain consume me. The two most important people in my life.. that I trusted with my life.. saw me as an assignment... I was only an assignment.. Daniel sat next to me but didn't touch me.. "I.." my voice cracked and I bowed my head down defeated. When Daniel told me they were evil I didn't pay much attention. When he told me to leave them.. I didn't hesitate.. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that no matter what I would find my way back to them and that they love me... that they would miss me... This hurt is indescribable. My body started to shake uncontrollably as my tears fell.


I could hear someone calling my name but my sniffling got worse and I didn't notice that I was shaking.


I shook my head not wanting to respond to the voice. I want to curl up in ball and let go of everything. I was about to lay myself down on the floor when I noticed Daniel pushing against an invisible force to get to me. I wiped away my tears and met his eyes. The force disappeared and Daniel fell down beside me. He hesitantly pulled himself up and grabbed my face looking me all over as if I was physically hurt? What is wrong with him?

"what are you doing?" I asked with a hoarse voice from all the crying.

"You didn't feel that? I couldn't get to you! I thought it hurt you?" Daniel spoke as he kept inspecting me all over.

"I do hurt on the inside... But I have no idea what you are talking about..." I sniffled as he froze at my neck.

"He was right." Daniel whispered.

I brought my hand to my neck but didn't feel anything.

"Daniel what are you looking at?" I asked confused.

Daniel lifted me up and put me down on the bed. He climbed after and pulled me in to his warm embrace. Safe embrace.

"They won't come back..." he whispered soothingly.

"Daniel how am I alive now if I'm human?" I asked. Not giving up on this subject. Not this time.

Daniel sighed but I knew that I've won this time. I need to know because I'm seriously considering going mad. Is this all a dream? A nightmare? What is happening?? I felt my tear threatening to fall again. I took a deep breath and nudged him to answer my question.

"After my father left I spent months looking for you... You couldn't be dead so you had to be lost... What is lost can be found... That is what kept me sane at the time..."

I nodded and he continued.

"When I returned home one day after another failed attempt... My father was back... I looked like hell and he looked worse.. He had started to drink... And it didn't suit him" Daniel closed his eyes as if he was recalling the memory. I feel bad for making him do this but I need answers.

"I remember him telling me that you were dead.. He did it and you were finally dead... He was not going back to heaven so he wanted to punish me... He told me that I was cursed to live forever as a Nephilim.. Never be able to die and cursed to never see you again" His voice was breaking and I felt my tears resurfacing.

"I locked myself in this house... Going mad on my own... My imagination kept playing tricks on me and sometime you would show up for a while but then you would disappear, my loneliness would consume me..." He gripped me tight at this point.

"One day you showed up as I was giving up on myself... I was about to walk up to you when I noticed something different... You didn't have a dress like every other time... and you were not looking for me... When you pulled up your phone, I was hundred percent sure that you were not my imagination... But I wasn't sure if it was you Cassandra... My Cassandra" He whispered.

I shivered involuntary every time he called me his. I loved it.

"I began to look for answers again and came across an elder... It was unreal yet I knew better than to think my father was the only one who fell... "He paused.

"The elder knew what I was the moment we crossed paths... he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in to the nearest pub... I was getting pissed when he all of a sudden called me Nephilim and pleaded me to sit..."

So there are more of them? More fallen angels? How many exact? Daniel continued.

"I sat In front of him as he inspected me... I thought it was odd but a smile appeared and he asked me who my father was... My mind had a million questions... And I hesitantly answered Gabriel..."

My eyes went wide as he spoke the name. Gabriel the angel of war is Daniels father. Nausea hit me hard. Gabriel wants me dead.

"The old man told me his name was Gerard which was odd since I couldn't recall any angel named Gerard but he only waved it off... he asked why I was down and I told him everything... He listened and nodded at some points and I kind of expected him to scold me for my love for a human but he only smiled"

I nodded at him as I myself wondered if there were any angels named Gerard.

"The old man eyes widened as I mentioned the mark on your neck his facial expression changed fast from realizing, contemplating and understanding... I took this as my que to listen and let him speak..."

Daniel started to lightly tangle his fingers in to my hair as he spoke and it gave me some kind of relaxing feeling.

"He told me about a girl that was threatened by a fallen angel... see there is a law up above... An Angel can't kill a human... If an angel kills a human the angels becomes exiled and as for the human... it's yet unknown... we believe that a human would die a normal death but an angel killing human... has never really occurred before... So it's unsure of... As I connected the dots I realized that the girl was you and the fallen angel was my father... He attempted murder on you... He succeeded... or at least that was what he thought... You returned unexplainable with that mark on your neck..." Daniel spoke as he kissed the mark.

"Then the old man told me about the rumors of two demons that my father had supposedly hired to hide you..."

I thought about my so called parents at that moment.

"I returned back immediately before Gerard could even continue... I needed to know if it was you... I saw you walking around the house again but I couldn't see your neck... but for every time that you returned you walked to places in the house and found things.. Things only my Cassie would know of.. I followed you and forgot about the mark until tonight.. When I saw you neck.. Somehow I knew you were my Cassie, even before the mark.. But how the mark kept you alive all this time? I don't know... I don't know if you are immortal or how long time we have together.." Daniel whispered the last part.

How do you process it all? How do you accept it and take it in? I am happy Daniel found me.. I am confused about my mark and me living for centuries not remembering anything... My "parents" being demons... Does it make it easier to hate them? I wish I remembered my real parents. I sighed as I drifted off to sleep... It was all too much to take in... 

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