Chapter 19

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Hello guys!! so here is chapter 19! I've tried to recreate the part that was meant to be included in chapter 18, but didn't really succeed as expected.. but I guess it's better then nothing right? 

once again sorry for the damn errors (LOL) and the short chapter. 

And thank you all for reading <3


The rest of the night was dreamless; I woke up with the sun peeking through my window and the room was even more magical now. The stray of lights hitting the walls made them shimmer a golden color, I sat up and watched in awe, for a second I forgot about my dream of Daniel, Daniel... has he really forgotten about me? I let my mind wander to the forbidden place I begged my heart to hide. I expected myself to cry but there were no tears shed.

A soft knock came from my door, I was about to tell the person to leave me alone when a maid came in carrying a tray a food.

"I'm sorry miss but the master asked me to bring this to you" she spoke nervously.

My stomach rumbled at the smell and I knew I could not argue with my hunger, I smiled politely at the maid and nodded to her as she made her way to me.

She put the tray on my lap and I couldn't wait for her to leave so I could dig in, but she just moved away and stood at her place. Why isn't she leaving? She was looking down at her feet not making eye contact.

"Uhm, is there anything else?" I asked trying not to sound rude but my stomach was killing me at this point, its hard to be nice on a hungry stomach and even harder when you have delicious food in front of you, tempting you... taunting you.

I tried to smile as well as I could when I looked at her but I noticed her fidgeting with her apron, insecure or scared I wonder. She looked up at me and I recognize the hidden emotion behind her eyes... fear.

"The m-master asked me to s-stay until you took your f-first bite, h-he wants me to confirm that you are eating the f-food" She stammered in fear, was she scared of me? Oh, I don't want that. I gave her a big smile as I devoured the food in front of me. She sighed in relief as she moved to the door.

"WAIT" I shouted before she left, she turned around right before exiting the door.

"yes miss?" the fear was back in her eyes. Oh no, I didn't want to scare her.

"Uhm, where can I find... the master?" I asked awkwardly.

"He is in his study miss" She responded and stood still in her place. Oh god, I need to dismiss her, that felt wrong, I don't like ordering people around, especially those who fear me.

"I'm sorry for taking your time, you can leave if you want to" I tried the friendly way and I seemed to have gained a smile from her. I smiled back hoping it would reassure her that she's got nothing to fear with me.

"You are not like the others Miss, thank you" she spoke before she was gone. The others? What did she mean? Is this common for Azazel to Kidnap girls? or is she implying to his other guests. My stomach made a gruesome sound urging me to continue eat my food, my delicious food containing pancakes scrambled eggs and everything good you can imagine and coffee, I've missed coffee.

After my delicious breakfast I picked up a pair of black pant and a white shirt from my dresser leading my way to the shower. I needed to wash my dream away; I have come to the conclusion that my dreams of Daniel were bad. They caused me unbearable pain, dreaming of a time with him when he can't even acknowledge that the presence next to him is not mine and that the girl pretending to be me is not me.

The shower was a bit longer than expected, the rays of water hit my sore spot really well and I didn't want to move, I just wanted to stay there like that for as long as I could. I closed my eyes and began to contemplate. What do I do now? Is there anything for me to even do? I remember giving up, but I was so weak then, it's not fair to even considering keeping my decision as I don't feel like giving up now. I sighed at my own mind complicating my life. What do I do and where do I go? There was only one answer to my question right now. Azazel. 

I left my shower and got dressed; I needed to speak to him. I wasn't sure about what as I still had no idea what I was doing but I need to do something. I don't want to feel lost and I need to know my options.

I walked out of my room and headed straight when I stopped. Have I lost my mind?! First of I didn't know where his study was and second, my only options was to show my mark which will lead to my death. This is not going to work for me. Nope I need to get out.

I spun around a bit too fast and walked in to a stonewall... again. Seriously are the walls moving here?

"I presume you were headed to my study?" the wall chuckled as I stepped back rubbing my poor nose. I mean he might as well have it removed if he's going to hurt it every time I turn.

"Maybe" I responded unfazed by his chuckle. My hand went straight to my neck hiding the mark. I got what he wants and I have to play my cards right. He looked at me amused by my action.

"Love I've had enough of opportunities to see your mark.." he spoke calmly. I gasped when I remembered the car ride and me asleep. Has he?

"Have you..." I couldn't get the question out.

"No" He responded gazing in to my eyes.

"Why?" I asked mimicking his action.

He sighed at my question but nevertheless he responded.

"Because I want you to trust me..."

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