Chapter 18

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Hello guys!! So sorry for this late update, it was meant to come up yesterday but I had a bit trouble with my PC/Chapter.

sorry again for a short chapter it was meant to be longer but my pc wouldn't work with me so a big part of the story that was written disappeared and I'll admit I cried like a baby cause I couldn't get it back and can't remember the exact words I used. Frustration was an understatement yesterday... Anyway.. I'm not going to leave you hanging for another week waiting for chapter 18, so here is the part that is still intact.

Really sorry and thank you all for reading! <3

P.S sorry for the errors!


I woke up right before we stopped in front of a big mansion. I rubbed my eyes as I took in the clear view, now it looked like a castle... why would the devil live in a castle? I gawked unbelievably at Azazel as he smirked. When I was little I believed that the devil resideded below the earth with a lot of fire and red around him... I watched too many cartoons when I was a kid... I think? I tried to pick out a memory from my childhood but I couldn't. I didn't have anything to remember... My mind was blank. How have I not thought about this before?

"Love it's time to leave the car and enter the house..." Azazel called for me as he exited the car.

Right, for a second I forgot where I was. I sighed as I followed him. Why did he bring me here? I was glad to be away from Gabriel but Azazel was someone you should keep away from at all cost  yet here I was.

As I took a step over the threshold to the castle I shuddered, every hair on my body rose, this was wrong and I shouldn't be here, it doesn't matter that I've given up, this was wrong.

I turned to walk out but instead I came face to face with a stonewall? I rubbed my nose as I looked up at a chuckling Azazel. My breath hitched at the closeness and I felt my pulse increase. I forgot that he was walking behind me. I took a step back immediately as he stopped chuckling and started to stare at me with an amused smile.

"Where do you think you're going love?" Azazel asked smugly.

I looked at the door behind him as it closed with a loud thump. There goes my freedom. I closed my eyes holding my tears. I'm not going to cry. I need to get out of here... soon.

"Let me show you to your room, I think you need some rest..." Azazel finally whispered low yet loud enough for me to hear. He didn't call me love in that sentence. Did I hurt him?

I stared at his broad back as I followed him up the stairs. He was really quite which I appreciated yet something was bothering me.

The hall we walked through was amazingly beautiful... If I were not in the situation I am in now, I would probably enjoy this, the walls were mint green and there was a little 18th century castle feeling about it.

We stopped in front of a room and before he opened it he turned to look at me, I didn't want to catch his gaze so I automatically looked down at my feet. He sighed at my movement and I heard the door open.

"I'll come by later... there's a shower and clothes on the bed... I guess I'll see you later" He spoke a bit disappointed and I nodded like a pathetic idiot and entered the room closing the door behind me.

I looked up at the room and gasped. The room was breathtaking...  it was magical, I moved around and touched everything. How did I end up here? I hushed my mind as that question appeared. I don't want to ruin this moment just yet.

I finally moved to the bed and threw myself on it. Oh how I have missed a bed, I shuddered at the stone cold floor still imprinted in my mind. I sat up and found some clothes right next to me. I looked to the bathroom and decided that I need a shower before I let everything that is happening invade my mind.


The shower was amazing and I finally felt clean. As I exited the bathroom I found a mirror to my left. Strange that I didn't notice it before, I walked towards it as I saw myself appear more and more. When I was right in front of it I stopped and starred.

The girl in front of me was lost and sad, she was alone and she was gone.. I turned towards the bed and almost ran to it as I felt my tears spill. I don't know for how long I cried but at some point I drifted off to sleep.


"Cassandra..." Someone mumbled behind me.. 

I kept my eyes shut as I concentrated on the sound. The voice was familiar and safe. I was still in bed that much I could figure from the softness under me. I figured I should take a peek at my surroundings as an arm grabbed my waist and pulled me towards a chest. I was about to scream when the guy behind me placed his face in the crook of my neck and a light moan escaped my lips. I was enjoying myself? the man traced his lips from my neck to my shoulder and though I should be afraid of the unknown man behind me the safe feeling was telling me otherwise.

"My Cassandra, always mine" the husky voice whispered.." 

I jolted up wide awake at this statement, I was back at Azazels castle, did I ever leave? My hand moved up to my neck where the man had kissed me. The man... My man... My Daniel. My dreams were back...

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