chapter 14

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Sorry for the short chapter and for the errors!

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I followed Daniel as he strode towards a handsome man in his mid-forties, is this the elder? He was not the eighty year old man I was expecting in my mind.

"Gerard "Daniel greeted as he reached out his hand. Confirmation of the mystery man calmed my beating heart a bit, but I was still cautious.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you like this but I have few more questions I was hoping you could help me with?" Daniel proceeded while Gerard's attention was on me. It was making me uncomfortable. I started to shift from one leg to another as I waited for Gerard to move his attention to Daniel and respond.

"Well I was expecting you Daniel as you left so urgently last time... but I didn't expect you to bring her" Gerard extended his hand to me. A bit unsure I took it and shook it and gave him a half smile. "Hello my dear, my name is Gerard" He spoke never breaking eye contact.

Something familiar sparked in me at his touch but I couldn't figure out what.

"Cassandra" I responded as I was now gazing in to his eyes trying to sense the familiarity again. But at that he blinked and it was gone. What did just happen?

Daniel cleared his throat awkwardly at our connection; I shifted my gaze to him as Gerard continued.

"Maybe we should sit and I will try to help you as good as I can" He offered and Daniel and I moved back to the table we sat at offering Gerard the free chair.

I began to hear a serene angelic melody that was calling for me but I couldn't pin point from where. Daniel and Gerard dived in to their conversation that they hardly noticed me. I wanted to follow the conversation but the melody was disturbing my attention. How come they don't hear it?

I tried to ignore it but it got louder. I tried to squeeze Daniels hand but he didn't react. Was he ignoring me?

My head started to spin and I began to feel dizzy. Was Gerard doing this? I looked up at him but he was too engaged in the conversation. The melody was so out of place and it intrigued me.

I stood up and moved my feet. The surrounding started to fade away the closer I got to the melody. My anxiety vanished and so did my worries. How is this possible?

I reached for the door standing between me and the angelic sound. I opened it and froze at the sight.

"silly humans fall for anything and have no self-control" the man in front of me spat in distaste. Oh god Oh god Oh god.

The man in front me, looked a lot like the man I loved but older like the man I feared. Gabriel.

I turned to run, run back to Daniel and Gerard but it was a complete darkness behind me. Gabriel laughed at my attempt.

"Silly human minds, so easy to play with "Gabriel snarled as he eyed me with disgust.

My anger was boiling at this point. This man ruined me, ruined my life. I was scared of him but I was also angry and I don't know where my courage came from.

"Silly human minds? If I am a silly human then where are you wings? Huh? Oh that's right, silly little me stood in the way" I was pushing his buttons and now I'm in trouble.

He charged towards me with the darkest eyes I've ever seen. I expected a collision at this point and closed my eyes but when nothing happened I opened them up to be met by darkness. Did I faint again?

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