Chapter 29

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I am so sorry for the short chapter and the errors that might exist!

 I will try to wrap this story up and give you an ending! (Hopefully without a too long wait)

Thank you for reading my story!

You are awsome!  


I turned around and there he was, staring at me. My tears were falling down my cheeks as I ran towards him.

"I remember" I whispered as I felt his arms hug me tight.

"You do? everything?" He asked and I nodded against his chest.

I remember the first time I met him, I was shy but he was as kind as ever, I remember our games and how he took care of me when I fell or hurt. I remember feeling safe around him. The familiar safe feeling was settling in again and I smiled until I started to remember the day I returned to him alone. My parents passed away, I remember spending my last moment at their bed, watching them slowly disappear in front of me... we couldn't afford the medicine they needed and their last words were they loved me. The heavy feeling of sadness was turning in to tears in my eyes.

Daniel pulled away to look at me.

"What's wrong love?"

I felt my legs crumble beneath me as the memory of my mother eyes was appearing in front of me and my father smile. They are gone and I will never see them again. I miss them.

"I remember my parents" I whispered as I looked down at my feet.

I closed my eyes and my memories continued to pass by. I remember and adult Daniel opening the door and taking me in. I remember the way I felt the first time he touched me. I blushed at the thought. He was this handsome man I had unexplainable feelings towards.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"What now? What is going through your head?" Daniel was getting a bit worried.

"I remember our first kiss" I responded as the blush was re appearing.

I had my own room in this house; the room that was locked on the other side was mine. I remember having an awkward dream about Daniel and waking up in the middle of the night. My mind was spinning and my body was warm. I dreamt of him kissing me on the neck as his hands were finding their way under my gown. I remember not being able to fall asleep again so I left my room to get a glass of water but as I got closer to the stairs my mind made me more aware of the room in front of me. Daniel's room. I hesitated by the stairs as my body was telling me to go to him but my mind was telling me to continue down the stairs.

Before I could make up my mind a shirtless tired Daniel came through the door. I could not stop gawking at his abs, continuing up his chest, his strong shoulders and arms and stopped at his lips for a while before I got to his eyes. That was when my brain registered what I was doing. I closed my open mouth curtsied awkwardly for some reason and turned to run to my room. I did not get that far as someone grabbed me by the arm and a pair of lips found mine.

I looked up at Daniel now as he leaned in to kiss me. I closed my eyes in anticipation. The hunger and the ache was so clear in his kiss and I felt my mouth and body responding to his every demand. I wanted him as much as he wanted me, maybe even more. I wrapped my legs around his waist as soon as he picked me up. My hand found his neck and was pulling him in to me. Nothing else existed but us.

He moved us to the bed and started to kiss my neck as he undressed me. Several moans escaped my lips and the need for him was growing in to pain that needed release.

Our moment was short lived though as a knock on the door down stairs made Daniel fly against a wall. My fear activated my shield.

Damn it.

I got up and ran towards a confused Daniel on the floor.

"I'm so sorry! I heard the knock and got scared!" I rambled to him.

"It's okay love" He responded as he winced a bit getting up.

I felt bad for hurting him and was about to apologies again when I heard the second knock. I looked at him and he pulled me towards him.

"Please stand behind me" He whispered and I nodded as I followed him down.

The person knocked once more as Daniel reached for the handle. 

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