T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Hi guys, I know it's been a while, but I wrote a new story. 

A couple weeks after Bonnie Bennett finds out she's a witch, she's possessed by her ancestor Emily Bennett. That turn of events pulls her into an entirely new aspect of the supernatural world. She tries to navigate life as a teenager, and witch, with the knowledge that vampires exist. If you love Bonnie Bennett's character, this is the story for you. It's called 'NEW WORLD ORDER | The Vampire Diaries' and you can find it on my profile. 

This is a teaser of the first chapter

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This is a teaser of the first chapter. 


Bonnie stood in the school gymnasium at the music table. The Career night layout wasn't that different from last year. The gym was set the same with tables for different career choices, teachers and students roamed around the same. But somehow in her junior year, it felt different. She had about two more years of high school left, yet she felt like time was running out. She had no idea what she wanted for her future. Grams said that if the end came and she still couldn't decide, being a witch could be her future. Despite only being a believer in the supernatural world for a short period, she could wholeheartedly say that being consumed by witches and vampires was not the future she wanted. Especially after her own ancestor possessed her without her permission, and Damon almost killed her.

She ran her hand over the side of her neck, and then began flipping through the CDs lined on the table. The pain she felt from his fangs had been consuming. On some level, she understood why both Emily and Damon did what they did. Emily didn't want to see any of the people in Mystic Falls hurt, and if the vampires sealed in the tomb were ever released, that would be a for sure possibility. Damon was angry Emily reneged on a deal they made, god knows how many years ago. That still didn't make their actions okay. They put her in the middle of a fight she had practically nothing to do with, and she almost lost her life in the process.

Bonnie sighed and chose a CD - Rebecca Richards was written on the case. She opened the case and put the disc into one of the small circular portable CD players. She placed the headphones on over her ears and pressed play. Rebecca Richards rendition of Beethoven' Fur Elise on the violin played through the speakers. Overall Rebecca' playing was smooth, but a few notes here and there were choppy. But she couldn't judge, at least Rebecca played. Bonnie turned to look around at the other tables and jumped when she saw a pretty girl standing at her side. Bonnie had never seen her around before. She took off the headphones.

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