P r o l o g u e - Robin

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Sophomore Year Holidays

Robin stayed seated at the table, her heart started pumping at twice the rate it should have and she was starting to feel nauseous. Her sister - Phoenix had since left running off to 'Eden' the first chance she got.

Robin looked up at her parents and gulped. Robin and her family were one of the four royal families that lived in Eden and because she was the oldest female she was meant to be the next in line to the throne. She had felt like the odd one out in her family for as long as she could remember even more so when she turned down the life of a royal to live her life as a fighter. Her mother often teased her about it calling her an idiot for choosing the life of a danger magnet over a life as a supreme. Her mother and her weren't really what you would call a mother daughter duo but then again neither were her and her father.

Robin's hands were resting on her lap as she watched her parents both sitting on opposite ends of the room occupied with their own things to even notice her. They both worked so hard to keep their kingdom alive which made Robin feel guiltier about the fact that she was the hole in the family. She coughed awkwardly.

Both adults looked up. It was painfully obvious that their daughter wanted to talk to them about something. Robin paled and a dark pit of uncertainty rested in her stomach, she considered cheating her powers and reversing time to when she didn't decide to have this talk with the most close minded people in the universe.

There were a few minutes of silence when no one said anything. Her father was glancing back and forth between his daughter and his work, contemplating between continuing or waiting for his eldest daughter to finally speak. The tick tocks of the clock seemed more piercing and deafening than ever. Robin finally decided to tell them and get the conversation over with.

"Mother.... Father.... I have something I would like to tell you." She began breathing in every ounce of bravery she had, this shouldn't be so hard she fought actual demons for a living, she could turn back time with a blink of an eye talking to her parents should be the easiest thing she would ever have to do in all her life. Wiping her brows and combing a hand through her hair she took another breath. She even imagined her parents reactions, she knew they wouldn't try and kill her but she couldn't exactly envision them being overjoyed that their oldest daughter would stand out more than they had originally thought.

"I'm a Lesbian....."



Caroline was sprawled out on a plush leather couch wearing dark red pyjamas. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with small strands sticking out like she had just rolled out of bed. Caroline sat up abruptly when she noticed Robin in the doorway.

"Robin. I thought you were coming tomorrow." Caroline stated cheerfully a smile lighting her face.

Robin didn't move from the doorway feeling the heavy emotions of everything that happened overwhelm her. She could still hear her father's voice in her head, asking her why she wanted to disgrace their family, asking what made her gay telling her it was wrong.

Caroline immediately noticed something was wrong when Robin didn't enter the house. Clearing the space Caroline asked.

"What happened? You're freezing!"

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"What happened? You're freezing!"

Pulling Robin inside and wrapping her with her slender arms as Robin burst out in tears. Her teeth were practically chattering as tears ran down her cheeks.

Robin stared into the flames of the fire shivering and trying to sort out her emotions. Part of her wanted to throw herself off a building but another part wanted to tell her parents to 'fuck off' and that this wasn't a choice. Caroline just sat there, saying nothing but watching her with a smile. This is why Robin came to Caroline first, she never looked at her with pity or told her what she thought Robin would want to hear. When it came to emotions Caroline kept everything she said real and truthful no matter who you were.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?'

Robin continued staring into the flames and answered without looking up, "I told my parents." She said knowing Caroline would know what she was talking about.

"I'm assuming it didn't go quite as well as you'd hoped?" Caroline whispered her voice laced with concern.

"No, It went exactly as I expected it to go. I just wasn't being realistic. I knew how they were like and yet I still hoped-." Robin's voice cracked and she slumped her shoulders as exhaustion caught up with her.

"They're never going to come around. You and I both know that. It's a good thing you have Sebastian, Iris, Xander and I to help you get through this. Because unlike your so called parents we love you more knowing you're, your true self."



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